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Another Cameron Bright Idea..

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Can't see how that would work, would be picked apart by lawyers quite quickly I think, especially under current EU law.. Once you're 18 you have the same rights as any other adult. They can't even stop the rest of Europe qualifying for benefits here after a short stay, how do they think they can do it to people who are born and brought up here?


All this talk about getting people into work and not a fecking peep about creating the jobs for those people to go into..

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oh its always the same, its all very easy to sit back and pass judgment,when alls going good for us and were not in that prediciment.

Cameron is a fool. Do an apprenticeship. (where) These pricks are making thatcher look like a saint.

No, more like reserving benefits only for those who NEED it not just take it because they can. It's a funny system where someone who goes out and works like me can't and may never afford their own hou

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  On 02/10/2013 at 20:22, Malt said:



Can't see how that would work, would be picked apart by lawyers quite quickly I think, especially under current EU law.. Once you're 18 you have the same rights as any other adult. They can't even stop the rest of Europe qualifying for benefits here after a short stay, how do they think they can do it to people who are born and brought up here?


All this talk about getting people into work and not a fecking peep about creating the jobs for those people to go into..

they have already stated that under 25`s will no longer be entitled to housing benefit :hmm: so what happens to kids leaving social sevices care etc at 16 when the state is no longer responsible for them and the national minimum wage only entitles them to less than three ninety an hour :hmm: do they pay the rent or eat. im glad there making work pay :censored:

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  On 02/10/2013 at 20:28, paulus said:


  On 02/10/2013 at 20:22, Malt said:



Can't see how that would work, would be picked apart by lawyers quite quickly I think, especially under current EU law.. Once you're 18 you have the same rights as any other adult. They can't even stop the rest of Europe qualifying for benefits here after a short stay, how do they think they can do it to people who are born and brought up here?


All this talk about getting people into work and not a fecking peep about creating the jobs for those people to go into..

they have already stated that under 25`s will no longer be entitled to housing benefit :hmm: so what happens to kids leaving social sevices care etc at 16 when the state is no longer responsible for them and the national minimum wage only entitles them to less than three ninety an hour :hmm: do they pay the rent or eat. im glad there making work pay :censored:


just checked 2.88 if your an apprentice

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Most jobs if a place comes up people who work there offer it to their family if no taker then the position is offered to friends. I don't know a single person who's managed to get an apprenticeship without being hooked up through someone they know.


I don't listen to a word these mps say all of them talk out their arse and jus say what they thinks going to get them votes. They all lie and are out to line their pocket. Would much rather a working class party who's actually lived the same sort of life as the rest of us.


Young people can't sign on, go to uni pff most uni students I know have left and had to take jobs they are over qualified for. Everyone says it but think the country is f****d and our mps are out of touch with the real world or just don't give a shit.

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it is going to take the efforts of a far right wing Government to sort this shithole out , the two "main parties" are just career loafers that allow themselves to be dictated to by Brussels , so in my eyes they are just redundant and so is that "talking shop" called parliament

talk of UKIP has rattled a few cages but still fook all will be done , roll on the revolution !

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  On 02/10/2013 at 21:40, Blue Pocket Rocket said:

Something needs to be done....


Theres guys been to war multiple times by the time they reach 25 whilst over a million people are sitting on their arse :yes: ...

and what the feck is the war about ? shit head camel jockeys funded by shit head European and American politicians


I like hearing of all the government squeezes because one day there will be a revolution

more money is spent looking after prisoners and legal aid than is spent on the national health service ,..........and about a third of the inmates are muslims

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The guys who go to 'war'.... dont care about politics....


Im just making the point that while over 1milliin people are sitting on their arse.... thousands are doing far from that....

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  On 02/10/2013 at 22:10, Blue Pocket Rocket said:

The guys who go to 'war'.... dont care about politics....


Im just making the point that while over 1milliin people are sitting on their arse.... thousands are doing far from that....

I think those poor souls who joined the armed forces will have political views somewhere along the line especially when some of those guys while serving in the front line are being served redundancy notices

and yes there is more than a generation "lost" whilst sitting on there ar$es doing feck all because of a succession of government failings

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I hope when this shower are voted out next election, that its a loooong time before they ever get back in power :yes: Some of the stuff they came up with is just heartless, hearing stories of genuine disabled folk killing themselves over worrying over that ATOS mob :censored:

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Anything which will reduce the tax burden and encourage people into work surely must be a good thing? Who was that politician who have the famous speech that went something along the lines of; 'i warn you not to get old, i warn you not to get sick, i warn you not to get injured, i warn you not to get unemployed'? Why is it the governments responsibility to create jobs? There is plenty of work out there. People just need to lower their expectations and be prepared to move. Too many think the country owes them a living.

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