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Long Net

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A trammel net would be handy if say ferreting a dyke with burys either side and would be difficult to get over,

or a barbed fence, or hedge.

but if you can get too your net easy, then a 4z will wrap them up no bother.

The trammel has it uses, but I would not want to use one for night work.

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Buyer beware of this guy ,he's due for another name change on ebay as his fed back crappy score will build up

A 4z net will always, and I mean always out catch a 6z. People always state that a 4z picks up rubbish, I have news for you, all nets pick up rubbish, fact! If anyone is worried about the amount of ru

What he knows about nets you could write on the back of a stamp with big letters

I've used mine in thick woodland, dense cover and on the odd occasion grass and yes they pick up a bit of shite but so do long nets and over the years I've seen a lot of rabbits bounce off our wriggle out of standard long nets but I don't see that with the trammel

I suppose it's down to what your used to/prefer I only use a 25 and 50 yard trammel along with purse nets and I don't miss too many

Atb rc1

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I've used mine in thick woodland, dense cover and on the odd occasion grass and yes they pick up a bit of shite but so do long nets and over the years I've seen a lot of rabbits bounce off our wriggle out of standard long nets but I don't see that with the trammel

I suppose it's down to what your used to/prefer I only use a 25 and 50 yard trammel along with purse nets and I don't miss too many

Atb rc1

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I've been wanting to buy a long net for a while now but was never sure of what to get exactly. Will be doing hedgerows soon... fence either side of the hedge :huh: So id maybe want two long nets and one or two gate nets for between the fences :hmm:

Anyway, for now i've bought a second hand 100 yard quick set for under 50 quid.... should give me something to play with and learn from. But I could maybe do with another before i start these hedgerows.


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