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Anti's Have Guns ?? Lolz

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the true story is, a culler had shot three badgers, as he went to collect them he was threatened by anti who claimed and appeared to be armed, the culler back off and rang the police, armed response and a helicopter were sent, the anti`s then nicked a dead badger and drove it 3 miles out of the cull area and claimed it had been wounded and crawled dieing to this position, a vet then dismissed this saying death was almost instantaneous,the anti`s then backtracked. it is thought the weapon was a stick or brush handle but why take chances in the dark, Brian May was there yesterday with his hangers on letting fireworks off in the cull area last night

So in a nutshell......Antis are running up to "shooters" saying they have a gun and they are going to shoot them. This will end well soon enough.....BOOM!!! :bye: Would that be self defense when in fear of your life?


there is one very simple way to end all this ; .......end the expense , end the protestors gathering in certain areas and end the hassle for everyone ,............. REMOVE THE PROTECTED STATUS of the stripey vermin

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