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Working For Your Giro

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Whats your views on the governments new white paper.

That if people are unemployed for two years they have to then earn there dole money by picking up rubbish and general cleaning of public places and services. this will envolve signing on everyday and doing tasks.if missed or refusal to work they will stop all benifits for a month if it happens again 3 months.

Also people with drink and drug addictions will no longer be on the sick but treated seperatly for addiction and will have to enroll on similar courses involving re-hab failure to do/complete rehab and drug/drink tests will inturn take them out of the sick onto the dole and then they will be processed as above.


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The first part is being discussed in another thread. As far as the second part goes, alkies and druggies shouldn't be on the sick anyway because of self-inflicted addiction. Of course they should go to rehab, and they should be glad they don't have to pay for it.

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Get it right into those sponging bast**ds, I've got a few round me who havnt worked in years and they aint got a care in the world always puffing weed, in the bookies or outside the boozer for a smoke, always dressed inthe best of gear and knocking kids out left right and centre for the likes of me to keep, f**k them get them working, junkies dont get me started. It's well detailed nowadays how bad smack, crack, heroin what ever its called is for you, so for me put the fu*kers down, save them getting priorities in the chemist especially when they come before pensioners and genuine people.

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i think its utter bollocks .. human rights , minimum wage will be thrown out the window


lets start by throwing the eastern Europeans out the fecking country

bring back a wage where a man can do well by working


2 years ago i jumped in on an agency a slaughter house , meat processing.. working nights

a few years ago it would have paid about £14 an hour .. lolz now £6.50 i was the only English person there


i think people who say yay get the lazy b*****ds working .. need to live in the real world

and stop believing the bollox from our government

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I do live in the real world, worked since I was 14 and raised a family who all work, I've paid my taxes to help with the likes of the NHS etc that all the spongers, junkies, immigrants and no users take for f***ing granted, maybe if half the lazy b*****ds and invalidity claimers had took a job 10 or 15 years ago the eastern europeans wouldn't have come because there would have beem less opportunity for them, if you havnt worked or contributed you should get f**k all, and by the way was there a minimum wage during ww2 when all those soldiers fought and there families who were left behind

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I was once on the dole had no work for a few month so went to college 16 hours a week dole told me i couldnt go and better my self so had to pack it in then they tryd to send me to do maths and English to get a grade c i alredy had a B half them tits who work there dint no the head from there ars

Ps they shoud be made to work the day they start jsa not after 2year

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Get to work like the rest of us have to! dole money has been to easy for some to get, I work and get nothing of the social and have brought 5 kids up.


I know some people need benefits and have no problem with it.


but I know of some that have lived and done nothing since they left school.


Get of your lazy arses and put some money back in the pot.

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Sounds blinding............unless you happen to be the owner of the local street sweeping company or one of their suppliers ! lol lol

Maybe we should tip all the local council blokes onto the jam role (seeing as all the unemployed will now be doing it)


Maybe we should cut all the f***ing tax we have to pay so its worth people going out and getting a f***ing job that will allow them to keep enough money to live!


7 months of the f***ing year we are working for the tax man (that's about 60% tax right?).........who the f**k do these politicians think they are kidding?


More small potatoes to appeal to the small minded masses

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....in the bookies or outside the boozer for a smoke....

At least they're giving some money back to the government by carrying out all 3 of those activities! :laugh: Think of it as a rebate.. :D

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i think its utter bollocks .. human rights , minimum wage will be thrown out the window


lets start by throwing the eastern Europeans out the fecking country

bring back a wage where a man can do well by working


2 years ago i jumped in on an agency a slaughter house , meat processing.. working nights

a few years ago it would have paid about £14 an hour .. lolz now £6.50 i was the only English person there


i think people who say yay get the lazy b*****ds working .. need to live in the real world

and stop believing the bollox from our government

agree mate, and this should of happened 15 years ago ! in somerset taunton/bridgwater ect the travvellers and the immagrants work from dawn till dusk, those jobs would of come to us british if those immagrants wasnt there, it boils my blood :censored: !

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Im of the opinion this should have been implemented a decade ago also,but the labour government was far to soft the same lot who banned huntting because of protests from city people who didnt like the thought of it !

I must admit when the tories were voted in I was worried but it seems they have dealt with this crissis fairly well , I agree with getting dolies working as if there doing nothing why not get them helping out there local communities, and if they refuse they should get there dole docked.

The junkies and alchies should not be on the incappacity its fundamentally wrong , yes they need help to get off the addiction but not funding to buy more to support there addiction.

The bnp stated that if school leavers were not in employment or full time education within two years , they should do a mandatory 5 year national service gaining work experince skills ans often a trade. this was in there agenda 10 years ago

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