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  On 02/10/2013 at 07:08, Rat Destroyer said:


i zero in at 52 yards i am using a CZ452 .22 Varmint and SK HP bullets a little bit more expensive but very accurate.

that usually does the trick.




Definitely looks like you got a set up that works a treat. Is that a MTC scope you are using?, looks like a SCB reticle.

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I think it would be a much more popular thread if you posted it in the lurcher section :-) Busy old session that is !!

Lol, yeah your right enough, how daft of me, lol

i thought i would put this video in the rimfire section as well as the night vision section as it crosses both categories. we were out for nights shooting rabbits with our .22lr's mine a CZ 452 with


thats not a bad bag and they look like quite big bunnies and to be fair our permission is probably much larger so we have an advantage so you didn't do bad keep up the good work.



yes well spotted its a MTC VIPER great scope for the price yes the set up works very well i am well pleased with it.




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  On 02/10/2013 at 19:43, Rat Destroyer said:


thats not a bad bag and they look like quite big bunnies and to be fair our permission is probably much larger so we have an advantage so you didn't do bad keep up the good work.



yes well spotted its a MTC VIPER great scope for the price yes the set up works very well i am well pleased with it.




I got a cz452 with the mamba lite, same reticle. Best i get some SK HP's an zero at 52yrds! :D

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Them SK's are mint ammo they regulated much more than a lot of other ammo.

the only thing most people don't like is they are lubricated but i actually prefer it i think they cycle from

magazine to chamber smoother and load into the magazine smoother


is your mamba lite a 1.5 x mag because if it is keep it because they a mint for filming they give a wide angle view.

thats what i use on my ratting videos depending what rifle i go out with.

but i prefer the mamba lite for close range shooting because of the wide angle of view.


dont forget not 51 yards not 53 yards but 52 yards :thumbs:

Edited by Rat Destroyer
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I had a Sony Handicam set up with an IR torch, but found it too cumbersome. I have about 250 acres spread over 7 permissions, that I have kept down to

reasonable levels and got this new one on recommendation from one of them, the farm only being about 20 acres. The new farmer was impressed with the 30 odd rabbits shot in three short afternoon visits and has passed me on to another small farm along the lane.


The lady owner there said to "just get on with it" when I went to see her. My first walk round the barns with the Magtech gave me 8 eight large rabbits and the HMR another 7 in about an hour. Trouble is that my butchers' are now flooded out with stock. What's the going rate these days for game dealers. It was always pretty low, when ammo, fuel and paunching was taken into consideration.

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Hi Ken

your obviously doing a good job of keeping the rabbits down to get recommended well done.

we use .22lr because we are not shooting any more than about 70 ish yards and its a lot cheaper and very accurate if set up correctly at these distances plus its quiet.

different game dealers give different prices but you are only talking about 80p medium - £130 large but price alters all the time.

price comes down if theres a glut.

to be honest even the amount we shoot we don't make allot of money it covers our ammo and fuel and food split

between 2 of us its very hard work and not many people would do it regularly for the money.

we are out working none stop for 14 hours.

at the end of the night you are properly knackered.

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thats the problem they need to be fresh to get them prices so frozen would literally be a few pence.

have any of you thought of preserving them.

i use Kilner jars and fill them full of pigeon breasts and preserve them.

the americans call it canning.

its a really good way of keeping your kill to eat later and i mean later like 10 years if you want.

you could joint the rabbits and fill the jars you will be surprised how much you can get in jars.



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I've just been on the phone and got £2.00 a rabbit from another couple of butchers within 5 miles, which will take care of 30 a week, until I've thinned this lot out. Hope mixy doesn't beat me to it. You guys with a surplus ought to try making burgers and pasties, they store well in the freezer.

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Hi Daz,

My butchers have never asked for a licence. I've been selling rabbits long before these "new" laws came in. I only paunch the rabbits and would not sell any that were gut shot, or had signs of mixy, spots on livers ,etc. It's a bit like landowners, who are not interested in Firearms Certificates, they just want the rabbits.


Regarding burgers, etc, I have some recipes on my blog. Try these:







My family enjoy the usual winter rabbit casseroles and pies, but the above stretch them a bit further and are useful for using up the smaller bunnies, that can't be sold.

Hope this helps. Ken

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ime coming to your house for tea its breakfast time and i am now fancying rabbit burgers and pasties with chorizo

funny enough i was looking last night at burger presses and sausage machines weird that isn't it.

do you use a standard burger press and do you make your pastry or buy it in.

thank you for that ken

much appreciated


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I use a BEL burger press (had it years), which is still available, along with the grease proof papers. I used to use a manual meat grinder, but now have a 1200W Elpine, which speeds up the whole process. This comes with sausage attachments and three sizes of blades. Not tried sausages. Regarding these burger pastie mixes, I've just done another 26 quarter pounders, still used the chorizo, but added two table spoons of sweet chilli instead of the Worcester sauce. These burgers are good hot , or left to cool with salads, etc. Have a go, they're worth it. Pastry is up to you, it's easy enough. I've done both, but then I've got a Tesco 5 minutes walk away.

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