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Altcar Is Under Threat.. Please Help..!

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Lol, Bosun you make it sound like the Nuremberg rally lol Serious though can you imagine. Sir Mark Prescott , Lord Derby , Lord Leverhulm , Duke of Westminster, Johnny Scott , Clarissa Dickson Wright,

I attended the meeting last night and found my self in some company that lets say would not be my cup of tea, foremost on there minds was the disruption, secondly the blight on the landscape but secre

Just got off the phone to country side alliance they are looking at it !!!!!!

GTE, maybe it is a fight we cannot win but then if we don't try we never know.... Not all proposals are passed, many wind farms are halted for various reasons, from the stats i've read, thats about half....


Anyway, for me its a no-brainer, no different to my marching in Cumbria, Scotland, London and Brighton. If 'I' don't try, if 'I' don't have a go, then its a personal failure too...!


My attitude is written down there, at the bottom of this post, part of my signature, written because its sommat I believe in.....

You marched in Brighton .............


Somthing to tell us...........

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GTE, maybe it is a fight we cannot win but then if we don't try we never know.... Not all proposals are passed, many wind farms are halted for various reasons, from the stats i've read, thats about half....


Anyway, for me its a no-brainer, no different to my marching in Cumbria, Scotland, London and Brighton. If 'I' don't try, if 'I' don't have a go, then its a personal failure too...!


My attitude is written down there, at the bottom of this post, part of my signature, written because its sommat I believe in.....

You marched in Brighton .............


Somthing to tell us...........


Err.... Yes mate.... ;)


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Ive known about the wind farm for about 12 months the problem is we will not win any challange due to wind farms are the goverments little green baby giving them internatinal standing , the altcar estate is in trust the trusties are not in the slightest interested in the past just the money this venture will bring in the shoot has been let i wont even go there !!!!


You say that GTE. Our shoot had planning for offshore size turbines (f*****g massive!) and that was quashed! Dunno, what size these are supposed to be and if that makes a difference?
. The big ones the size of the liver buildings. This wind farm shadows the one out on burbo bank they are very well placed
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There is no one more against this than me and ill be at the meeting.

Am just out lining the challenge ahead. I fought the statues of the beach Bo, got some moved so we could launch are boats. Went on every march, done everything against the ban, gave the tweeds my money for the range rover fund, if its there ill march and support.

Where the national interest is involved we have a fight believe me!

Edited by Bosun11
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Wind farms apparently are a load of Bullshite that produce very little Power.

White Elephant so to speak ?

Its a Goverment Green Vote winner that holds no water.

Fecking Discrace.

I mean lets be honest if they work why dont goverments offer grants whereby every house hold has a 4-5 foot pole on the gable end or highest part of their roof with a 12-15 in across silent running turbine attatched.

Also why dont they offer Grants for every home to have 4 solar panels fitted to every roof.

These two combined should make every household self sufficient in power.

No more utility bills

No one going cold

Extra energy not used going into the national grid to power street lighting ect


So why is this not happening ?


Its sounds common sense to me


Or is it just that these turbines dont work and are bullshite ?

. You dont know the half of it the whole wind turbine industrie is a scam from start to finish. It a classic THE KING WHO WORE NO CLOTHES
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i would start with looking for any endangered species . that includes insects butterflies ect. also rare habitat. one was moved up here due to it being raised bog land. also the impact of logistics. the enviroment damage far exeeds the area that the turbines stand in. as far as i,m aware tubine energy is costing money not making money. its a subsidy based. false economy. good luck if you decide to fight it but it will be an uphill battle thats a certainty.

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i would start with looking for any endangered species . that includes insects butterflies ect. also rare habitat. one was moved up here due to it being raised bog land. also the impact of logistics. the enviroment damage far exeeds the area that the turbines stand in. as far as i,m aware tubine energy is costing money not making money. its a subsidy based. false economy. good luck if you decide to fight it but it will be an uphill battle thats a certainty.

Dead right mate. :yes:

Now, the proposed farm is on Altcar Estate, which is within West Lancashire Borough Council. Over the river Alt, is Sefton Council, which has just put a lot of money, with the Forestry Commission, into re-building the wetlands, from farm land, for wildlife and migratory birds, directly opposite the proposal site.... Now for those birds flying in could be a danger but there is gonna be some chopped geese etc when those birds get any night disturbance and head north over the estate when that farm is there! Thing is, the electricity produced is destined for West Lanc's not Sefton, so it'll be interesting if Sefton Council take umbridge over their 'soggy investment'...!

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I have just spoken to Dave Harcombe via email and sent him my original post with a few other bits, he has very kindly agreed to use it in next months mag. He has, as many know, a love of historic hunting and as many may not know, a loathing of wind turbines.... Thank you again Dave. :thumbs:

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The wildlife issue is a route taken by many campaigns across the country, only to be told that surveys are on going, the company doing the survey will do a lengthy consultation marking ponds, sighting newt and frog traps, monitor tranciante birds and indigenous and rare species, then the engineers will locate turbines around these sites. The visual aspect they take in to account, who loose a view ect, usually any reports are placed on the net and are about one hundred pages long!

These farms are not compulsory, they are done with the consent of the landowner who then goes for planning, the trusties of the Leverhulm estate have started this, the ltd company set up is the trusties , the tenant farmers will not gain and should be approached and it pains me to say, the RSPB and Wildfowl Trust will be needed in any campaign.

Edited by Bosun11
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One dark night, the year before last, I came across two American newt surveyors, up to their middles in mud, trying to locate the Great Crested Newt in a local muddy pit (pond).

They near shit when I approached, lamp in hand and one eyed mutt to heel. I asked 'em if they had any luck and which pits they had tried and they told me they had tried just about all with no luck.

My dog gave 'em a 'daft buggers' look and wanted to continue, so I told 'em where to find these elusive and endangered species... In my neighbors pond and just about every pond in the village, we are choc full of 'em, they come up with every net. September see's baby's laying low in long lawns and I mooch to remove before mowing. Altcar and its surrounding area are full of the little darlings and they may be in the pits in the fields some of the time but the garden ponds in the villages is what they prefer.

I invited my new American friends to come and see... I'm still waiting.... ;)

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