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Altcar Is Under Threat.. Please Help..!

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  On 31/10/2013 at 19:39, maxhardcore said:

Try posting a brief description of whats happening and a link to sign petition on'

Greyhound Nuts


Greyhound Data




Best of Luck

Thanks Max.... :victory:

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Lol, Bosun you make it sound like the Nuremberg rally lol Serious though can you imagine. Sir Mark Prescott , Lord Derby , Lord Leverhulm , Duke of Westminster, Johnny Scott , Clarissa Dickson Wright,

I attended the meeting last night and found my self in some company that lets say would not be my cup of tea, foremost on there minds was the disruption, secondly the blight on the landscape but secre

Just got off the phone to country side alliance they are looking at it !!!!!!

Think yourself lucky really thinking about it, it's better than building a housing estate on it. Plenty of turbines where I used to live hunted around them on a few farms they are no bother. alot nicer to look at that ugly pile ons!

Edited by Bazil brush
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  On 02/11/2013 at 00:22, Bazil brush said:

Think yourself lucky really thinking about it, it's better than building a housing estate on it. Plenty of turbines where I used to live hunted around them on a few farms they are no bother. alot nicer to look at that ugly pile ons!

Thank you for such constructive advice, feeling much better about 'em now....

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Seriouse tho bosun I see both sides, there's a lot of them back home you don't even notice them after a while, people don't look twice when they pass a big ugly pilon. I'd rather one of the These turbines behind my house than one of them, Just my own opinion. I have a mate who's house backs onto altcar and he feels the same way. Think some people are more concerned what value it will decrease on there house rather than the pilons themselves. My mate loves where he lives with or with out the pilons he wouldn't move.

Edited by Bazil brush
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We'll Bosun I totally agree with basil brush as I'm his mate who lives on Altcar and as I write this I'm looking out over to the Lydiate ground . Truth be known I've ran this land for 38 years since I was 10 as well as ferret it ,snare it ,shoot it and flown hawks over it and I've seen keepers cum and go back to Ted Flatman . The estate is a shadow of its former self and the days of groups of 40+ hares on one field r just a distant memory now . In fact the land from Carr wood to the Maghull brook is desolate waste land . At this moment in time the proposal is to build 400 homes at the end of my garden . These will b mainly high end detached homes . If they build these then there goes 200/300 acres of land under concrete . On the other hand if they build the wind turbines then they won't build the houses as nobody will want to spend 300grand on a house to look at a wind farm . To sum it up wind turbines r no threat to running dogs but maybe to the geese . Housing estates destroy it forever . Sorry if that pisses on ur chips mate but that's the way it is

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Nige you can agree with Basil all you want mate, makes no difference to me, you ain't pissing on my chips mate, just your own!!


My stand is that I will continue to protest against 'anything' being built on that land, including the housing estate (which if there is a site dedicated and a petition I will sign and help?).


Only a few years separate us and I have hunted over the same ground as you since childhood. As far as I am concerned Altcar estate is a special place, no matter if it is a shadow of its former self and should be preserved for as long as possible and I'm optimistic enough to believe that 'friends' who stood on those fields will rally to the cry and help. Some of those may carry far more weight than folk think and could really put a dent in plans.


I ain't rolling over, not me. I'm not going to rob Peter to save Paul. I'll get my finger tapping on here, put pen to paper, or march if needs be. Makes no difference, I did it all not so many years back and I'll do it again.... Did you..????

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Not wanting to piss on any ones chips either, seen keepers come and go since Ted, there has been big Stu and no brain Bell lol. Not a great turn over of keepers considering the shoot has changed hands three times since Mr Wilcox died, thats not the issue, the statement that an industrial wind farm will not affect running dogs lol.


Don't think you are up to date with the wind turbine industry and its management , the proposed wind turbines farm planed at this site dwarfs any previously built, this in its self will affect every aspect of land.


I've just come back from a weekends hunting, there is a wind farm right in the middle of the land. The noise generated was amazing. The turbulence around the turbines frightens every thing. Two had exploded and oil was visible all over the structure , the farmer who owns the land was with us so i asked him what his thoughts were, he said money but he had been lied to over the visual and the noise impact , the Altcar farm is twice the size in numbers and three times the size in height.

Altcar is Lightly patrolled by any one. Industrial wind farm such as this will have 24 hour security any one but any one except people with security clearance to be on the land will fall under the new terrorist security laws governing ports and power, the area will be a power station nothing more nothing less.

Go down to Crosby and watch the flotilla of 24 Work boats and floating cranes that come in and out daily , there are the same amount going from Mostyn and Conwy, wait till the same amount of trucks vans and mobile cranes start the daily journey to Altcar, the turbines proposed all need cable , all need transformers , all need servicing , as for the affect on any one trying to pursue game on this site thinking it wont change.... Lol

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[quote. In fact the land from Carr wood to the Maghull brook is desolate waste land...... WASTE LAND. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grade A agricultural land is not and never would be described as a waste land. This land was reclaimed from the seas. The soil being some of the most productive in the UK.


Build house on it at their peril, its flood plane why do you think the dykes and ditches are so big and deep, why the Alt has a massive bank along its length, why there are pumping stations all along its winding course to Liverpool bay.


The geology of this area is not sand stone, its peat and sand floating on mud flats, the over spill of one of the fastest running tides in the world. the river Mersey!

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The trouble with wind farms is they are a blight on the landscape and end up in outstanding countryside

I'm personally not agains them but they need to sort something better to put them off shaw miles away

The alternative is far worse you could have a nuclear reactor dumped there instead which is insain at best

Look at Chernobyl and Fukushima both still will have there legacy s continue for millennia infact Fukushima

Is still pumping radiation freely in to the environment and the Pacific Ocean in particular

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  On 09/11/2013 at 21:40, All-terrain said:


  On 30/09/2013 at 07:46, Bosun11 said:

How many of you have stood on the public bank, amongst friends and fellow hunters at the Waterloo Cup?


How many bought a 'nominators pass' and stood amongst the dogs, owners and trainers?


How many walked and waived white flags, driving strong brown hares on to field and past the shy, where the finest of their type stood quivering in slips?


How many of you miss those crazy days of late February, when 'Cup fever' took hold and you came with the masses to that hallowed turf of The Withens and Lydiate fields of Altcar estate, three days of glorious coursing!


It's still there, Altcar Estate, so is the Withens fields and Lydiate fields. Not as many hares there as yesteryear but they are there too...


Now to me its historic, not just the remnants of an age pre-ban, where the last great sporting dog spectacle on these shores was held BUT personally too... I stood on that bank, from the mid 80's to the last great run. I stood in the nominators section, had a coffee with Clarissa and Johnny, amongst others. I waived the white flag, early on but my love for the course and my 'run-in's with Mr Wilcock, Mr Bell and Ormskirk Magistrates prevented me from doing anymore!


Many other great memory's of those times too. Just as YOU may have had, if you stood on that ground?


BUT now there is a proposal to change all that and build a bloody wind farm on all those fields! Right across this special place of hunting history....

It's funny, because as I write this I don't quite know what to say.... It's a double edged sword for me because I moved here as soon as I could afford to, 4 years ago and my front window looks out, across the river Alt, though near a mile away, over this estate, so the wind farm does affect my view BUT I moved here because I love this land, I love its history, for both the Waterloo Cup and directly, my own hunting youth and it sickens me that somewhere so special as a part of British hunting heritage could be lost forever.....


There is a meeting tomorrow, in the church of St Helen in Sefton, for those who oppose the plan, I'm attending and I'll campaign too, whatever it takes....

There is a website if its of any interest to anyone... http://www.h-alt.info

Its mainly folk who live in the surrounding area and disagree with the proposal, though I don't think many will see it as a loss to hunting with dogs as I do....


edited to add, I put this up in the 'General' section, as hunters from across the spectrum came to the Cup and its everyone's loss...

a coffee with Clarrissa and Johnny lol, ye was getting pissed with me lol




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I heard United Utilities were turning the pumps off this year at Alt car because of the running costs so the land will be turned back to marsh land and flood planes i have been on there with a lad who controls the foxes for the keeper and he was saying the keeper had been told the pumps were being turned off and half the land would resort back to flood plane because the pumps work 24 hours a day keeping the water down

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