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Stv News - Coursing In Lothians

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Its how she said it " the hare courses " Get a grip ya sad b*****ds , anti f**k holes thats what ya are nothing better to do than sit on the other side of the phone to the law or riding round looking for lads having a good day out hunting like every other. f****r out there that loves the hunting game ie the shoots which is money people rich fucks . How much moneys going into this shit brand new 4x4 more coppers on the beat more money spent on housing lads caught in the cells or this makes ya laugh prison f**k me prison Its getting daft as f**k david camron sort sumat out ya bellend.

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The thing that makes me laugh is that you get more police attention doing this sport then you would if you was a real criminal. Do they class as criminals for taking part in what is our hobby? It's a joke. Maybe if everyone went out looting on a Sunday and causing real bother the would consider the ban being lifted lol. Let people enjoy the sport as many people have done in the past but without been made to fill like a criminal

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its a fooking joke what a total waste of tax payers money driving miles up on miles in there brand new 4x4 and getting payed for it if some police oficer wants to hunt down criminal coursers lol then it should be done in there own motor and they should pay for the fuel criminals my eye what has this country come to makes me so mad i think they got to much money these police if they got loads to waste why not give it to birmingham childrens hospital or some other worthy cause the bunch of no good tossers

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