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No More Lonely Guns

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Sold my BSA r10 a few weeks ago and been looking for another gun as the other 5 are getting a bit lonely and a odd number :cray: .

So been looking at a Daystate Regal .177 any how found one in a local gun shop with a nice stock and a black bolt :D

I never pay full price on any thing if I can help it so did a deal of £740 which is not a bad price as I have been looking a round .

My shooting bud phoned me up saying he is working not far from Ronny Sunshines, I thought great he can get me a Huggett silencer, he came back with two one for me and one for him :thumbs::thumbs: after hearing how good they are .

Went up to the old 80 yard chicken shed to zero in and well what a gun , I thought the ultra was highly accurate but this Regal is some thing else .

cant wait to take it out in the field and see what it can really do :boogy::boogy:

Sorry about the messy garden, just building a man cave and works in the garden joys of beaning a builder







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