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Vènerie, French Hunting With Hounds


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The middle of september is the beginning of venerie. The Hounds are ready to hunt deers, boars, foxes, hares or rabbits.   A pregnant bitch tried to go with the pack. The huntsman brings the dog bac

An old pic from Fabrice Toutée   Rallye des Falaises hunting rabbit with bassets near Saint Brieuc  

Vautrait de banassat (boar)  

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Vautrait de banassat (boar)

A lot of hounds there, do they hunt 6 days a week or do they take more hounds hunting each day than we do in the uk?


The crew hunt twice a week, may be 50 or 60 hunts each year. Vautrait de banassat is the biggest crew, may be 200 dogs in the kennel, 450 kg of meat for each meal. This breed is Poitevin.


There are three works for dogs in this kind of hunt :

- early in the morning, faire le pied (to the foot). 5 or 6 guys with each a very wise dog usually on a leash, they are walking through the paths in the forest. These dogs are named limier and the guys valet de limier. They search a good scent. It need a great sense of observation.

- at the end of the morning, rapport. In a ritual manner, each guys explains what he'd found in the morning. They have to be cautious, their notoriety is at stake. Then the master chooses the attack place. They put 10 or 20 dogs on the scent, these dogs are named rapprocheurs (bring near). These dogs have to find the boar and launch the hunt.

- When the rapprocheurs have found the animal and hunt for a good time, they release the big pack. May be 40 or 50 dogs. A great crew like Vautrait de Banassat is able to release more than 100 dogs.


You can keep some hounds in the truck to make a relay at the end of the hunt if the hounds are tired. But just one relay is allowed.

Edited by Blaise
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attachicon.gifle pieds.jpg

@ ludo natureetvenerie


A man and his limier looking for a scent in the morning before the hunt.


Back, it isn't a religious cross but a signpost.

Is this the same as our 'Harbourer' when stag hunting the UK? to find a suitable Stag to hunt on the day?


Generally, they can't see the animal. The dog can smell the scent and the man can look at the footprint or the marks on the trees.

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Just out of interest what is the general perception of English hounds from the majority over the channel ?

Very appreciated !


For a long time, french went in UK to find some dogs to cross with their own lines or to have pure english lines (harrier, beagle, black and tan).


Concerning terrier, we had nothing, we have used english breeds or from germany.


Concerning hounds we have a lot of breeds. But among these breeds, a lot had been crossed sometimes with hounds from UK.


Usually, french hounds are very well for nose and voice, english ones better for speed, hot-blooded.


One of our famous hound breed is named anglo-francais, every thing is in this name.

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Just out of interest what is the general perception of English hounds from the majority over the channel ?

I know that the Devon & Somerset staghounds have drafted hounds to France and that the Quorn have drafted hounds from France.

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