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Knocked This Up...

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Make yourself a catty :whistling: ....


Ive tried before. Failed miserably :icon_redface:


Are you still making them?

As and when mate.... just whenever i can be arsed... or somebody asks for one :thumbs: .... Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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LOL I don't know if it means the same thing in British English or not, but where I'm from if something get's "knocked up" it was impregnated LOL   In America if you say, "I knocked this up..." you w

Gaz, it must be heavy mate. I know you already had the wood but that with 3 ferrets in will be very heavy. Just my personal opinion but I just use 6 mm and 3 mm for the back. The box below is 6 and

Says the man I just dragged kicking and screaming into the world of bow back boxes.....   That box will pack a punch Gaz when it swings into your back....ouch !!

That'll be brutal to carry. Light and bow backed is the way to go!

iv knocked a few boxes up over the years then out the blue someone gave me a bow back,dont even know your carrying it will never use a square back breaking, side rubbing box ever again :thumbs:

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That'll be brutal to carry. Light and bow backed is the way to go!

Says the man I just dragged kicking and screaming into the world of bow back boxes..... :laugh:


That box will pack a punch Gaz when it swings into your back....ouch !! :thumbs:

Aye you're not wrong there, and I'm converted! Fed up of bruises!.

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As I was cutting the sheet the first thing I thought was its a bit on the thick side.


It's not as heavy as I thought though. It's too heavy to carry all day with 3 ferrets in but to be fair most of the places we ferret is 5-10 mins from car max and then it's just carrying it from set to set.


I've had a few of the single ones made from 6mm ply that haven't lasted a season. Hoping this is pretty durable and double as a seat for a 17 stoner :laugh:


Best box I've ever used was from you Moxy, fantastic bit of kit, but I'm skint :laugh:


This was never going to be a Moxy box! Lol.

I use 5 ply 6mm gaz, most 6mm is 3 ply. Never had a ferret doing this much damage.

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I get 3 Jill's easy in my single box,,, just a little light weight affair ,,, in fact I would get 4 in ,,, mind mine are smallish Jill's,,


I don't like partition boxes,,, my so called double box without a partition,,,built by Simon whitehead ,,, I have many times had 6 ferrets in it,,,


Can't be doing with heavy boxes,,,need all my strength for all the rabbits I'm carrying..


It's a good strong box mind gaz,,,,get the jig saw out,,, cut some big holes in it,,, wire mesh the holes,,, and have it in the motor,, just for transporting

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Isnt that box identical to one you already have?...


Is that to me?


Ive got a small kidney shape poachers box, another one a little bit bigger and a big coffin which is straight backed with 2 compartments...


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