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Thank Quad For That !

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After last nights fiasco there was no way I was going without the ramps tonight ! I had planned to go to the same farm and sit in the seat in a bit of clearfell , but after a little scouting expedition this morning I decided to use one of the portable seats on a ride that cuts through the coppiced woodland .During my look about this morning it was plain to see where the deer were going ,their was fresh slot every where & a good deal of it was buck slot .So arriving over the farm at about three I set out to put the seat up ,not wanting to disturb the place to much I carried it down to the ride to find a suitable tree to rest it against , not always as easy as it sounds . Tree found & seat secured I went back for the important bits of kit ,dog ,gun ,etc .

The view from the seat was a fairly narrow one , if the deer did use this track tonight any chance of a shot would not be their for long .I would be able to see them approaching but would need to take the shot in a fairly small window ,either side of the clearing is two year old hazel & scrub birch .

Me & the trusty hound (lab) were in position by 5pm ,no wind again ,warm& muggy with the odd dark cloud we started our wait !.........6.15 the heads of three fallow does appeared just above the scrub walking at right angles to the seat as the appeared in the shot window I gave a little bark just to see if they would stop...they did ..absolutely stock still I could have shot anyone of them , if a buck came this way & did the same it would be fairly simple task , the big word in this sentence is IF ....four or five minutes they stood their ears pricked & noses sucking air for any scent of danger they finally moved forward to disappear into the scrub in seconds...6.55 ...5does closely followed by 2 bucks jostling for position on the tight track through the scrub ,the does broke cover & as they crossed the clearing I was already watching the bucks through the scope ready to try & stop them in the small clearing .The first buck stepped clear , I barked ....nothing , five or six steps he was gone , at the same time number two was already clear , this time I shouted a loud OY...two steps ,he paused , the red dot was already on his chest, he jumped as a puff of dust indicated the strike & he was gone ....

Even a deaf old coot like me couldn't fail to hear it crash in the scrub ,but that 15 min wait seems forever ....I got down from the seat , now almost dark , I put the collar on the dog & went over to the point of impact , blood , deep red & easy to follow I sat the dog up & slowly made my way into the tangle of trees , head torch to light the way , sticks & rifle in case it needed finishing , by the amount of blood it would almost certainly be dead ,I slowly pushed on & in ....found him ...dead as you could want .Three or four year old , nice condition I unloaded the rifle & started to drag him out .Once out of the scrub , after tripping twice & nearly poking my bloody eye out I made it back to the clearing( I could swear that dog was smiling)...back up for the quad...heaven after last night ...I heaved it aboard tied it on & went to get the seat .By now it was chucking down but soon every thing was on for a slow ride back to the motor & home 5 min away ...gralloched at home , washed & tagged he made a respectable 125lb in the coldroom



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nice read and nice pics , do you keep the antlers

No not really I normally give them away .I think fallow wise there is one set on the shed ,a huge park animal & one boiled of head in the barn that if it was measured would only get a laugh ....anything with a really good set gets to keep them ..... :laugh::laugh:

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nice read and nice pics , do you keep the antlers

No not really I normally give them away .I think fallow wise there is one set on the shed ,a huge park animal & one boiled of head in the barn that if it was measured would only get a laugh ....anything with a really good set gets to keep them ..... :laugh::laugh:


if you get any spare would you pm me i need some for the bairs school play i will pay pxp and a drink for you atb mel red and fallow needed thanks

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In days long gone Matt it never seemed a problem , just grab its headgear and pull ,now the bloody things grab hold of every obstacle ,every sapling , anything they can to cause you as much agg as possible ..................................................................nothing to do with age :whistling::whistling:

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Well done are they good to eat before the rut?

Yes ,when the ruts on fall blast they aren't the sweetest smelling thing on the planet (unless your a fallow doe ) but the game dealer takes them all .I normally cut 2 or 3 prickets up for the freezer in august then top it up again end of nov with yearling does which eat fabulous ..

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