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Dog Pissing In Bed Area

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Make her bed smaller.. Put a false roof in the box that sleeping area Jo that's a big area just put a ply board 30'' off the floor that will half the space














You'll really have to clean the bed also as she'll keep pissing in that spot if she smell's her piss still there

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You said that you got a new kennel delivered. That could be the reason she's going in the bed, she may be a bit unsettled by living in new accommodation. How long has she been in the new kennel? Dogs display new behaviours as a reaction to events or medical condition etc, there is always a reason for a new behaviour. She may stop in time or you could try something as simple as leaving one of your old t-shirts with her for reassurance, could make all the difference. Sounds silly but it works sometimes :thumbs:

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Give her her own kennel. Dogs often 'mark' their territory as a sign of ownership. But sometimes it could be other issues. I've had terriers which would go into another terrier's kennel and piss in their bed. Others would piss in their own bed because they were marking their own patch, to deter the others from going in there. Best off each shut in their own kennels and runs.

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