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Quite a good week

Guest Geordie

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Guest Geordie

Set 10 snares at the start of this week.


The bitch has been marking a lot of runs lately,she seems to be turning into more of a fox sniffing dog than owt else,which has pleased me :good:


Anyway we checked em on wednesday mornin and had 3,we then went out on the wednesday afternoon/teatime for a stroll and the bitch was constantly sniffin the air as we passed close by the snares.


I sent her over to check the snares and she let out a whimper which meant only one thing,..........yep we had another :D


As i was unsnaring the cub we had caught,(to be set free) the bitch runs off down the fence line and lets out another yelp.???? As i stood up i could see another much larger fox in another snare about 40 yards away.


So not a bad 3 nights work,5 foxes,4 dispatched and 1 cub set free.


Have taken the snares down and we are checking out another part of my land to decide where to locate the next set of snares.


Ive said it before..............loadsa foxes around my way :blink::D

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