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Biting After They Have Worked


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Took the ferrets out for the first time they worked well just didn't want me to pick them up after tails were all bushy and biting at every chance hated it when I took rabbit off them biting my boot then got them in the box half hour later perfect again any advice guys thanks atb

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My jill was like that during her first season, she was genrally a bit of a bitch when she was young and when out ferreting she would be hissing and trying to bite. This year she's calmed down, realises a rabbits dead and leaves it, understands I pick her up to show her where the holes are etc.

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Best thing to do is let them get the excitement out of their system on the neck of the dead rabbit. When they come out of the burrow, don't try and pick them up straight away. Hold the rabbit on the ground and let them have a good chew on it. Once they have 'killed' it enough, they'll calm down enough to be picked up. Also, get them used to you handling them when your hands smell of dead rabbit: presumably that's what you feed them at home? If you don't feed whole carcase at home they may get more excited than if they are used to dead rabbit around them in the court/hutch.

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