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Stephen Lee could probably give you the same argument about snooker

Could he....he'd have a hard time convincing me that snooker is game where you try and loose to to fill your pockets.

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No difference for me , wether its my £5 bet on the flapping track or some professional gamblers £10,000 on snooker /football. dog racing its all the same , its wrong and no amount of claiming its alwa

What do you lads who love sport think of this slippery little c**t Stephen Lee the snooker player....... We all know cheating go,s on and cheating to win is one thing..... But cheating to lose !!....T

He's definitely made millions over his 20 year career, so he probably has everything a man of his age could want already. A man's credibility is surely worth more than any money IMO.


Stephen Lee could probably give you the same argument about snooker

Could he....he'd have a hard time convincing me that snooker is game where you try and loose to to fill your pockets.


Pun intended.....................................?

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Stephen Lee could probably give you the same argument about snooker

Could he....he'd have a hard time convincing me that snooker is game where you try and loose to to fill your pockets.


Pun intended.....................................?



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What do you lads who love sport think of this slippery little c**t Stephen Lee the snooker player....... We all know cheating go,s on and cheating to win is one thing..... But cheating to lose !!....This boy has been blessed with talent some of us would die for,yet because he couldn't be the very best he made a conscious decision to be the very worst.. Couldn't be a rich winner so decided to be a rich loser it's the very lowest a mans character can sink to in my opinion,on par with being a grass i,d like to stamp on the fat little c**ts neck !

He got 12year ban and has to pay £40,000 costs

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Can I ask how is it like being a grass? It's a c**t thing to do only because you may have lost money due to him. Someone's gotta win and someone's gotta loose, even when the games cheated. Lets be honest if we got a chance to know about it and earn serious money betting we'd all do it. So some people loose and its not fair? f**k em life aint fair I'm afraid. Wonder if now though hell be hit by poca?

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Scot Godolphin Prime Example Off Cheating At The Top Level Off British Horse Racing And There Still Operating ?? Like EVERY Situation In Life Money Breeds Corruption Whether That Be A Lad Taking A Bit Off Gear Off A Site To Sell , Too A Sportsman Cheating No Difference Only A Different Outlook By Some But Its Still Cheating/Decieving Which Ever way You Paint It And It Has Happened In Most Sports Paolo Rossi The Italian Footballer Star Off The 82 World Cup Had Only Returned From Suspensions For Corruption . . I'm Not Saying Its Right But You Have To Be Naive To Think This Case Is The Exception !!

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Can I ask how is it like being a grass? It's a c**t thing to do only because you may have lost money due to him. Someone's gotta win and someone's gotta loose, even when the games cheated. Lets be honest if we got a chance to know about it and earn serious money betting we'd all do it. So some people loose and its not fair? f**k em life aint fair I'm afraid. Wonder if now though hell be hit by poca?

The reason its like being a grass is because its selling your soul.........its not being able to get where you want to be and so selling yourself out to get closer to where you want to be.............i dont believe grasses want to do what they do the same as Stephen Lee didnt want to do what he did........but he/they see it as the only way to better themself due to not having the strength of character to roll their sleeves up.........in my book a sell out is on par with a grass,simple.

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As dare said if you had got the heads up on this scam,what would you do? become a grass and report him to the snooker association.orget as much ready cash as ypou could lay your hands on,and give the bookie a drubbing. i know what i would do lol

But you are not a professional sportsman.............of course any normal everyday punter would earn off the back of a tip..........the key is in the words ELITE PROFESSIONAL SPORTSMAN.............cheating to win i can understand.....cheating to lose shows a pathetic weakness of character in my opinion.

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