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Bad Driving Habits........

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I have loads of things that 'grind my gears', but the single thing that annoys me the most is when the car in front wants to turn, but they brake and indicate at the same time !!! :angry:


So what habits do other drivers have that really annoy the feck out of you...........?

Edited by Blackbriar
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when they overtake you then turn in 200 yards up the road..

Anybody who is clearly not confident behind the wheel and drives like a fanny!

Spades that stop the car to talk to other spades in cars in the middle of the road...........just sit there gassing like they aint got a care in the world and holding up all the traffic

Failing to indicate, failing to acknowledge you when you pull over to let someone pass on a narrow road, people tailgating on the motorway, people who speed and and slow down all the time in front of you, people who do 30 on a 60 but speed up to 40 when they get to a 30 zone.. Loads more, I'm the only perfect driver out there most of the time when I'm out in the car.. :tongue2:

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All the above and a lot more. As i get older the worse I get. It's the ones who think they are the only people who have right to be on the road. Women with stupid private plates who think that because the have a BMW every other person on the road knows what they are thinking and where they are going, ERGO no need to keep in the correct lane or indicate. FFFFFFFFuuuuuk it really winds me up.



Edited by tiercel
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When you let someone out or flash them on and they don't thank you, or even worse..........when they then pass you, looking at you as if your the secret inbred cousin that's kept in the basement, and the thing that scares the living s**t out of me on the road...............................a woman in a people carrier on the school run. Live does not get more dangerous than that..................................not being sexist here, just observe the next time you get caught in school run traffic!! :icon_eek:

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  On 24/09/2013 at 21:57, just jack said:


  On 24/09/2013 at 21:41, the_stig said:

when they overtake you then turn in 200 yards up the road..

that will be this bad boy your driving stiggy :tongue2:

east coast massive :thumbs:

attachicon.gifeastcoast massive.jpg


tell you what jacko never seen so many in one place----mablethorpe I`m sure there was a motability scooter rally on :D

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  On 24/09/2013 at 22:00, tiercel said:

All the above and a lot more. As i get older the worse I get. It's the ones who think they are the only people who have right to be on the road. Women with stupid private plates who think that because the have a BMW every other person on the road knows what they are thinking and where they are going, ERGO no need to keep in the correct lane or indicate. FFFFFFFFuuuuuk it really winds me up.



I saw one last week that beats the lot - YG 04 PDD. He'd f***ed about with it so it said 'Y GO 4 POO'. I honestly don't think he realised what a total bell-end he looked !!

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