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Shotgun Licencing

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why have you got your fingers crossed? for your dad or for you?

dont know the details of this but if i've read this right it's because of your past that has caused the concern here with the FLO so not sure its quite appropriate to be crossing fingers for your own gain.

(unless of course you are doing that purely for your dad)


re-reading the comments above don't fill me with confidence but then only you know all the details so its only an opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

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hes obviously got respect for his father, id too have my fingers crossed it isnt nice knowing a family member it trying to pursue a passion for there sport and your own mistakes when you were younger are now coming back to bite him in the arse , but its not him its affecting your own mistakes should lie with yourself and not blacken a third party family or not, obviously everybody can understand the concerns around issuing people the certificate to own a firearm but anythink at hand is an offensive weapon if used in an aggressive mannor not just firearms so mebys if he was such a risk of offending in this way his dad would have a empty draw of kitchen utensils and butter bread with a doc leaf

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tbh pal on a serious note ..........i bet he gets the certificate if you are no longer living at the address on the application form........i served time at one stage in my wilder days lol........and a few weekends in the local police station lol......... i have both a shotgun and fac certificates now ......... oh and a tv licence

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Mental sum ppl on ere like arent they gorsy obviously want me dad to get it nt for my gain for his own gain people are actin as if iam a murderer me dad drives a hgv for a living a think if he was a nut job himself he could do a lot more damage in that


In English that means what............?


Because to me that roughly translates as " I'm thick as f**k " ! :laugh:

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I recon he will get it to I was in a fair bit of trouble a few years back 17 convictions of trouble and I have a shotgun, .22 wmr and I have recently received my licence for a .223. I made a couple of appointments with the super in my area so she could see that my attitude had changed and I had settled down. I was nothing but honest with her and now I have my guns. maybe you could make an appointment to see your local officer and show him/her that you are not a danger. it might help your da's case.

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I recon he will get it to I was in a fair bit of trouble a few years back 17 convictions of trouble and I have a shotgun, .22 wmr and I have recently received my licence for a .223. I made a couple of appointments with the super in my area so she could see that my attitude had changed and I had settled down. I was nothing but honest with her and now I have my guns. maybe you could make an appointment to see your local officer and show him/her that you are not a danger. it might help your da's case.

i dont kno if a cud see the local officer cos we live in different policing areas
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If they want to see for a chat, they will come and find you, other area or not.


I think at the end of the day, the key question here is going to be whether or not they feel your father will uphold the principles of safe keeping and ensure you don't have access and also as to whether or not they trust you not to coerce him into giving you access. The spare key will almost certainly have to be at the bank. I don't think they'll trust it to be in a family safe to which your father has sole access but to which you might conceivably gain access. They're also going to have to consider as to whether or not your father might invite you shooting along with him as this too gives you potential access to the gun.


As you can perhaps now tell, there is a whole bigger picture beyond simply having direct access to the safe as in there minds there are many potential ways for you to get access both legitimate eg through a shooting invitation and illegitimate through eg coercion or acquiring a key. You might not be a danger to anyone, but with some kijnd of history that throws that into question, they're going to be mindful that if they're called out to an incident, you might be armed.


I'd say if they are concerned, its going to be a close one but its not a forgone conclusion. A shotgun cert is not as onerous as an FAC and its non resident family not the applicant with the history.


One last thing, even if he does get it granted, bear in mind this. Any incident in the vicinity involving you might in future involve an armed response team as they won't be too keen to take chances that you may have gained access if you have a history of violence. Not saying it would for definite, but they will play it on the safe side.

Edited by Alsone
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I have only ever fired a shotgun at a gamefair and basically i was a crap shot I shoot with my dad but only with air rifle thts on permission strictly only for air rifles a personally dont want any access to the shot gun because i dont want to jeopardise my father getting his licence hopefully he is granted one and many thanks to the people on here for your comments

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