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Early Vintage Mk.i Hw77 Stock Wanted... I Now Have 2Nd One!!!!

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After all that negative shit here about internet scammers (I won't mention the buggers names, we've heard them enough!) I just want to record a special thank-you to a guy called Steve M on AirgunBBS and to our own whistler1 or, Brian here who helped and answered my plea for an early Mk.I HW77 stock I've been after for my HW77 to match my HW97K,- that sits in one kindly given to me by Elliott here.


After advertising for one in the wanted section, a member here, Brian aka whistler1 put me on to this fellow who had two for sale! One had already been claimed but, I got the other one!


It has arrived this morning as the guy promised. And it's a beauty! I'm itching to start sanding out the palm-swell for my left hand and having the stock stripped, re-stained, oiled and finished off with an adjustable butt-pad. These stocks are just about perfectly proportioned, elegantly slim and give a graceful pointability to the rifle in the aim. They really are a true case of "If it looks right, it will shoot right!"


I just want to say what an honest pleasure it was dealing with such a chap who was attentive throughout the whole transaction. If he has anything else to sell, I have no problem recommending him as a scrupulously honest and decent man to deal with.


And again, a special thanks to Brian/whistler1 here who kindly put me onto him. A true gentleman among us too :thumbs:


Thanks mate!


Regards and best wishes.



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Andy you need to advertise your need for an HW80 stock in the 'Wanted ' sections of the forums.


There must be a few HW80 stocks on offer about. The guy I got this HW77 stock from had two such stocks going for sale and very reasonabl; and I was put on to him by a fellow from here. I'm made up now!


Best of luck pal.


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Brian it is a pleasure to appreciate the kind help of strangers when you need help with finding something. Thank you sincerely again mate.


The HW77 and 97K I have are tuned to perfection and the early pattern Mk.I HW77 stock is a perfect complementary fit for these amazing rifles. It was slimmer, more elegantly profiled stock and better in handling on aim than the slightly bulkier and heavier versions of HW77 stocks that followed over the years.


(I'm not entirely sure I like the 77's latest design incarnation to be honest. I'll know better when I actually see and handle one!).


Both these Mk.I stocks I have now, are right handers but, a bit of careful sanding has removed the thrust of the cheekpiece that pushed slightly against my left hand and now has a very smooth and comfortable left-bias/ambidextrous palm-swell cut and blended into the butt-stock and finished off today. It now has a very sweet made-to-measure feel in my left hand when test-fitted to the rifle action and is brought into aim :thumbs: Still to come are the stripping, sanding, staining, oiling and finishing off with a Bisley butt-pad.


I'll be be bringing both completed stocks, fitted on my HW97K and HW77 to the Old Downs HFT meet on October 13th. And I'll ask a kind soul who has a camera and the know-how to post up the pics. Si most likely! ;)


By the way Aaron, you are right about Rob's 97K mate, that was fitted with an early model 77 stock too. When we first met up and shot together at Old downs earlier this year he shot superbly with it. It'll improve a new HW77 no end too!


Can't wait to compete with them at the hft meet in October :thumbs:


Best regards gentlemen.


Edited by pianoman
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Result!! :victory:


Anyone have an old 80 stock?? :laugh::yes:

got a rounded end 80 stock here bud yours for the postage cost if your interested



Very much so!!! :boogy: My internet's a bit random tonight but I'll PM you tomorrow and we'll sort something out. Many thanks, mate!! :D I owe you one :thumbs:



That's really kind of you webster. Andy's a kind man who'd help a person without holding his hand out. Good Karma. :good:

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