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dog sizes the bigger the better

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i used to only lamp rabbits and used to go for that wippet\greyhound size know i dog anything except i try and stay away from roo's. mostly i try and dog foxes which are usally about 150 to 200m out and across one or two fence to jump and iv decided the bigger the better like deerhound\staghound big greyhound about 32kg plus so what do [bANNED TEXT] think the bigger the better or not? i also think its harder for a little dog to jump off the ute, jump a fence, ran 200m to the fox chase it for that much agian possibly jumping another fence catching it and killing it and then coming back so what do you think big dog littel dog or medium size

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All my best dogs have been around 23-24 inches, and weighing around 40-45lb...These were used for everything..

Fo me bigger dogs would come next, because apart from rabbits, they can still do every quarry, even, in over 30 years working lurchers, Ive never seen a bigger dog that couldnt get down to rabbits...

but very small light crosses will be found wanting doing everything, and dont have the physical strength to do what I needed a lurcher to do. Rabbits obviously wouldnt be a problem, depending how many you were after of course, but as consistant takers of hare, fox and roe deer (pre ban) :thumbdown:

I would plumb for medium sized dogs matie, but, thats just my opinion

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Do you not agree that the terrain you hunt should dictate the size of your dog? Down here you have 100 mtrs at most before a fox is in the scrub. My big staghound will get on there ass and just put the foot down and then the fox hammers through a fence and gets away. She is only a pup though but it would be good to have something with abit more agility to pull them up first.

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My 28 ins tts stagbitch has the accelleration to pic up a fox in a small paddock, but if they beat her to the bush it is all over foxes are to slick in the undergrowth. However in a large place where the paddocks are several hundred acres both the staghounds can catch foxes with ease. fences or not youv'e got to remember over hear some of the run ups on the course would put you in a different shire over there.


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