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nail off to the quick

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Hi All Took the lad out earlier and he bolted a red un from some cover and ran it over some really rough ground (wasn't expecting anything to be in this place).He just lost the object of his desires in the brambles and when he came back noticed a lot of blood well my lad had managed to snap the nail right off at the toe.A local greyhound lad told me surgical spirit would be the thing to cure it but was a bit late tonight so soaked it in salt water.The lads fine and not in any discomfort at all just thought I'd ask you your opinions??


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Edited by stoaty
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Hi All Took the lad out earlier and he bolted a red un from some cover and ran it over some really rough ground (wasn't expecting anything to be in this place).He just lost the object of his desires in the brambles and when he came back noticed a lot of blood well my lad had managed to snap the nail right off at the toe.A local greyhound lad told me surgical spirit would be the thing to cure it but was a bit late tonight so soaked it in salt water.The lads fine and not in any discomfort at all just thought I'd ask you your opinions??


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put nail varnish on it are french polish it will act as a cover

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hello mate...same happened to my saluki cross,i kept him off the run for a bit just incase he was in a bit of pain..the new nail grew in a bit thicker than the rest but gradually wore down back to normal..just watch for infection i use wound powder from my local pet shop for about 3 quid works great


ps good strong looking dog by the way

Edited by scotty3968
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My friends grey did almost exactly that, he took it to the vets where they just cut the remaining skin that was still holding the nail on and then wrapped it up, shot of antibiotics. he'll be good as new soon they said. the swelling never went down so back to the vets for an x-ray, turns out he'd broken the tip of his toe which had bent back towards the knuckle then started healing so they had to take the toe off! :no: .

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You have to be careful with these, the best thing is to get the Vet to cut the nail (under anaesthetic) all the way back, cover the foot and allow the quick to regrow, often these nails dont grow back in the same, and come in darker, at an odd angle or flakier. The problem with leaving it or trying to seal what is there is that the quick will be constantly knocked, also infection can track up the quick and lead to other problems. If you dont want to take him to the Vet, i personally would cover the nail and change the dressing every couple of days, more often if it gets wet. A jag of antibiotics really would help cover any infection.

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