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Reporting To The Police.

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I have only recently been reporting my activity to the police. A friend who has very kindly allowed me onto his permission to shoot with him, he is even allowing me to go on my own for which i am eternally grateful to him :boogie: . I know he is a shy and doesn't want me to blab his name around to be pestered by shooters wanting to tag along with him. But every time he goes out shooting to his permissions he reports to the police and i have started doing the same. :thumbs:


I have a couple of questions, firstly does anybody know why i can't phone 101 (police non emergency) from my mobile phone and secondly how many people report their activities to the police. I don't mean you shooters that have the police bracelets :D

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Haven't been shooting as much recently but when I was going to the golf courses I always called to let them know I was there. There are a couple of areas on the golf course where I could be seen from windows so to me it makes sense. All it takes is 1 person to call and mention gun and you could have armed response and helicopters on your case. A 2 min call is all it takes to let them know when you're starting and when you're finishing.

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101 works for my phone (vodaphone) and I always call in for the golf course. The other night a police car stopped opposite the course, looked over to me, I thought here we go, but after 5 mins, he ust drove off. I assume he had checked to see if anyone had called in. Had all my papers like but even so, saves hassle.

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I have to call in to the police on one of my permissions the best one so i always do it get the job number and start and let them phone the police back when im finished .


But it doesn't work last year i had the armed response out four times the other guy six times , and normal cop cars stop us all the time and ask what we are doing then say they aren't told and we give them the job number to check

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With potential licensing on the agenda I think it makes good sense to try and get in with the local bobbies.


They may be the ones approving your ticket if it ever comes to that.


I've never had to check in with police on any permission/job I've had. On some I did anyway and it seemed to work in my favour dealing with disgruntled employees/residents. I know we don't have to but this is Britain 2013, and the average subject thinks you're carrying a machine gun! :laugh:

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I log in with the old bill but only on jobs or land I shoot that is close to the public, one of my jobs is a cricket club in the centre of town which also happens to be 400 yds from the main police station! And the lads who had permission previous before it became all H&S and paid etc, on two occasions in the wee small hours had half a dozen police officers pinning them to the floor and rubbing their faces in the mud. They just fecked it off after the second time, not worth the hassle and they did have a signed bit of paper.


If its a regular haunt or at the back end of beyond I don't log in.

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I used to control Vermin on a site close to road and side of Golf Course


Used to log in and out of Site each visit


Still used to get calls as public had seen someone on site with a rifle


Same as on golf Courses - who often suffer with night walkers


Personally believe the cost of phone call -


Also resulted in good liason with Area Fire Arms team

Who used to come out for spare rabbits for their Dogs ;)



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I asked about this in the past and was told not to bother as I was doing nothing illegal .

If you were doing something illegal you rather wouldn't call the police :-)


I never do that. Never had problems with this either, but my main place is a large farm. People I see there are well used to strangers wandering around with something which appears to be a rifle.

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