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Nephews First Hog

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Well my nephews 10 I take him hunting some but he hadn't got to kill a hog yet , we were heading to the lease but didn't have to go we went by my buddies hay feild an there was some small hogs out in it so we turned around an hauled butt back hog to get Jed

We come back an the hogs are about 350 yards out in feild , we get to about 250 an Jed sees them an I turn him loose , the lil suckers try to out run him but this little boat wasn't fast enough I run up an leg him an my nephew sticks him


We tryed a few photo tricks to make it look bigger for his buddies haha




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He's a staghound , about 30in

He handled them well catches them on the ear or back of there head an waits for me to get there


good dog that, reading on the Oz site that they use big dane xs and bullxs most on pigs there,but few still like to use stags, as they can catch alot more other quarry than the other xs.?

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