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My First Rimfire

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I am in the process of applying for my FAC. I am intending to start of with target shooting at my club (no land to shoot on). At some later date i may consider shooting rabbits and or foxes.


I am looking at what is going to be my first Rimfire purchase, i am seriously considering a CZ 455 TH Lam 20". i have been looking on the Edgar Brothers website and it states that the codes it lists are for the interchangeable barrel version to change the calibre.


So from this i would understand that (With a suitable barrel set) i could change the rifle to a .17HMR version?


If so, does anyone utilise this feature? and if so is it practical? I would assume that you would need to re zero the rifle after the changeover?


My initial thoughts are that it would be more practical to purchase an additional rifle at a later date of the different calibre than keep changing everything around?


I'm new to rimfires so all advice gratefully received.







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It is a personal view, and I have never owned a rifle with interchangeable barrels, but I fail to see the point of them.


If you want a .22lr then buy a .22lr. If you want a .17hmr then buy a .17hmr.


The chances are that the cost of two rifles will, surprisingly, be less than the cost of one rifle with two interchangeable barrels.


Different ammunition requires different scope setups, different zero points and so on. Why make life hard for yourself.


A shorter barrel - 16" - may be more convenient with no loss of power or accuracy, don't forget you will be adding a moderator which increases the length substantially, even with over barrel types.


Take your time, ignore most of what you read, talk to experienced shooters and gradually what you need, rather than what you want (if that does not sound too convoluted) will become clear.

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This is what i cant understand why would you want an interchangeable barrel setup?


I have shot a few rifles down at the range and ideally i would like an anschutz 1417 unfortunately the budget doesn't allow for that!


I still like the CZ tho', i had a good look at one in my local gunshop. So i think i'll go that route and buy a .17HMR if and when i come to need one.

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.22 rimfire first of all. Start with a second hand cz452 set up and get used to it down the range. Then start the never ending and often depressingly fruitless task of tryi g to find some permission.


Interchangeable barrels - I couldn't think of anything more frustrating.even she you think you got the scope adjustments right for the change around there would always be that nagging doubt.

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  On 22/09/2013 at 20:53, moxy said:

Well said yokel.


Although the cz 455 is newer it's not much of an improvement over the 452. Which are handier money. And benefits are the same.


I have looked at the 452 and that is what i have been using down at the range and i can shoot decent groups with it. I mainly chose the 455 as it has a TH stock which i liked the feel of when i tried it in the shop.


Not being very experienced with rimfires i was thinking my first purchase would be for a new rifle as i don't know thoroughly what i am looking at yet and at least with a new unit you have a measure of safety with the purchase. If it was a shotgun i would be fairly confident in what i was doing! !

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End user Interchangeable barrels are simply a tweek of the normal manufacturing process.


Don't be fooled into thinking the manufacturers are doing you a favour.


Many comments have already been made about this facility, and you can add to that, what do you do when you want to take out your lad with the .22 whilst you have the HMR?


No doubt some people have a use for this facility, but the Quad started this trend and the vast majority of Quad Owners treat it as a single calibre rifle!



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Hi Kawaka


I see in your original post you mention you are in the middle of applying for your FAC. At what stage are you?? Have you filled in your application, got your referees and so on?

The reason I am asking is because you are stating you are intending to start off target shooting (No land yet). I know Firearms Officers are different throughout the UK and so are their opinions on vermin and calibres and so on and on but, in my area, if I stated I wanted a rifle for fox/vermin control, I needed land on which to shoot on to show I had good reason for that condition to be applied to my certificate. If you apply now and you later find a permission to shoot on, and provided that land is passed, would you then have to apply for a variation on your certificate?? I dont know if this is true...

Maybe I am getting ahead of myself (sorry if I am)..

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aye up


start off with a .22 LR cz and you can't go wrong i also own a cz455 .22 16" varmint barrel th stock only gripe i have is with the bi pod on it's a bit heavy but is very accurate ,i have no intention of swapping barrels seems too much hassle if i want a different calibre i will get another rifle .



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I think if you want it for target shooting you need to consult with the club / range 1st as some have velocity restrictions on rimfire ranges so .17HMR might be too hot for the range. I've heard of at least one range where max rimfire velocity is 1,600fps.


So you need to check 1st as .22 is the more usual calibre for rimfire target shooting.


Also, if you fancy doing competition, you may find .17HMR if permitted on the range doesn't have a section.


Personally if shooting live game I'd tend towards the .17HMR over .22 but everyone has different opinions here and its horses for course as both .22 and .17HMR have advantages and disadvantages.


Your choice is going to come down to your club rules and also your preference/ intended future usage.

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I bought a new cz452 .22 heavy barrel varmint as my first rimmy back in 2006! It's been a great gun with no faults, no modifications, nothing. I've only cleaned the barrel once (learned from my mistake and haven't repeated), and even after 1 year laid up it was bang on target and still smooth.


Some people do the triggers, I was never that fussed by its trigger so didn't bother.


My advice, get a new or hardly used 452 and get a 1/2 decent scope (Simmons wtc scope - I have 2) a sak mod and sling and your away! I will never change mine. It's very quiet and very accurate.


Just bought a weichrauch hw60j in .17 HMR for fun/longer range, but sometimes subsonic is the only option so the .22 is most versatile.


Get the .22 and enjoy!

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