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Scottish Independence

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What happens to Scotland in 50 years when the Oil and Gas is gone ?


We all know it


We are ALL better of as a Union.


Salmon is in it for his own ends


If Scots cant see that and they are dumb enough to let a fat ,smarmy cnut like him Lead them then so be it.


Either a Union or Total Independance


Lock ' Stock


No half measures.



what would britan do when the oil runs out? if scotland does vote yes and we control the oil, it would have a big inpact on westminister. scotland can stand on its own, more than oil bringing the £ in, id rather scotlands money was spent on improving scotland.



More Quotes :D



The most recent available statistics show Scotland received 9.3% of UK spending to run our services, but generated 9.9% of UK taxes. In 2011/12, Scotland’s finances were stronger than the UK’s as a whole by £4.4 billion, or £824 per person according to official National Statistics.




No NHS no Armed Services, no social welfare or subsidies Scotland must stand on its own.




Yes, the National Health Service is currently run by the Scottish Parliament and Government and will remain so. In terms of health policy, Scotland is already effectively independent.

The Scottish Government will continue to fund all the health services it currently provides, including cross-border services. Medical experts have already made clear that the contracts already in place to provide for cross-border treatment would carry on in exactly the same way.

EU Directives protect our access to cross-border treatment, and there are also seperate agreements in place with countries outwith Europe.


Scotland would have its own defence forces and would inherit and maintain our military bases and regiments. We would continue to work in partnership with other nations. It would be for future Scottish Governments to shape a defence policy best suited to the country’s needs. Our defence profile could be similar to neighbouring nations such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland or Norway. Scotland’s contribution to UK defence spending is around £3.3billion. Experts from the Royal United Services Institute have confirmed that this would be more than enough to support a defence force that could be “extraordinarily good” by 2030. The UK Government only spend around £2 billion of the defence budget in Scotland. The SNP advocate a defence budget of £2.5 billion – less than we currently contribute, and more than is currently spent. We would get rid of Trident nuclear weapons from Scotland, saving money that could be bette spent elsewhere. Crucially, it would be for the Scottish Government to decide whether members of the Scottish defence forces should be sent abroad in support of international action.


plus thanks to maggie oil is owned by private companies, some in london, most of them on the continent...so scotland doesnt actually own that oil. The companies do.

International law dictates that around 90% of the UK’s oil revenues come from the Scottish sector of the Continental Shelf.





ill be voting yes, one things certin.. we wont be any worse off!


so you want independence but still use crossborder services?look up the meaning independence,what about your defence forces surely you would have to give it all back/or most of it ,it was paid for by the uk taxpayer,your defence budgets just gone through the roof buying all new kit

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Lets get this put to bed once and for all ask mr smallman all or nothing if he looses the vote he should step down and be fooked off out of the uk , england is nothing without the rest of the uk.

Im Welsh, can see 100% where the Scots are coming from but this is a unique Isle, its BRITAIN, we stood shoulder to shoulder for over 1000 years and not been invaded mun. All of us together can't be b

The oil that we pump out on our rig, is secured by the South Korean govt. Wee fat fucksalmond doesn`t see any off it,   He is just playing to the crowds, so he can get a statue in Glesga wee fat

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What happens to Scotland in 50 years when the Oil and Gas is gone ?


We all know it


We are ALL better of as a Union.


Salmon is in it for his own ends


If Scots cant see that and they are dumb enough to let a fat ,smarmy cnut like him Lead them then so be it.


Either a Union or Total Independance


Lock ' Stock


No half measures.



what would britan do when the oil runs out? if scotland does vote yes and we control the oil, it would have a big inpact on westminister. scotland can stand on its own, more than oil bringing the £ in, id rather scotlands money was spent on improving scotland.



More Quotes :D



The most recent available statistics show Scotland received 9.3% of UK spending to run our services, but generated 9.9% of UK taxes. In 2011/12, Scotland’s finances were stronger than the UK’s as a whole by £4.4 billion, or £824 per person according to official National Statistics.




No NHS no Armed Services, no social welfare or subsidies Scotland must stand on its own.




Yes, the National Health Service is currently run by the Scottish Parliament and Government and will remain so. In terms of health policy, Scotland is already effectively independent.

The Scottish Government will continue to fund all the health services it currently provides, including cross-border services. Medical experts have already made clear that the contracts already in place to provide for cross-border treatment would carry on in exactly the same way.

EU Directives protect our access to cross-border treatment, and there are also seperate agreements in place with countries outwith Europe.


Scotland would have its own defence forces and would inherit and maintain our military bases and regiments. We would continue to work in partnership with other nations. It would be for future Scottish Governments to shape a defence policy best suited to the country’s needs. Our defence profile could be similar to neighbouring nations such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland or Norway. Scotland’s contribution to UK defence spending is around £3.3billion. Experts from the Royal United Services Institute have confirmed that this would be more than enough to support a defence force that could be “extraordinarily good” by 2030. The UK Government only spend around £2 billion of the defence budget in Scotland. The SNP advocate a defence budget of £2.5 billion – less than we currently contribute, and more than is currently spent. We would get rid of Trident nuclear weapons from Scotland, saving money that could be bette spent elsewhere. Crucially, it would be for the Scottish Government to decide whether members of the Scottish defence forces should be sent abroad in support of international action.


plus thanks to maggie oil is owned by private companies, some in london, most of them on the continent...so scotland doesnt actually own that oil. The companies do.

International law dictates that around 90% of the UK’s oil revenues come from the Scottish sector of the Continental Shelf.





ill be voting yes, one things certin.. we wont be any worse off!


so you want independence but still use crossborder services?look up the meaning independence,what about your defence forces surely you would have to give it all back/or most of it ,it was paid for by the uk taxpayer,your defence budgets just gone through the roof buying all new kit



Another image/quote :D Defnce costs wont be so bad, once trident moved to england, how many billions does it cost to build and upkeep?


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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

Edited by Its_grim_up_norf
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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.

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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.




Ok its time for it, rememebr just for fun ;)


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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.


hes just looking for a bite dont take the bait :thumbs:

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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.




Ok its time for it, rememebr just for fun ;)




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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.



hahaha! like my opinion is the sole reason for the scots hating english, i was a few hundred years too late for that. But yeah, good point.

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like the slutty ex that broke up with you then came crawling back after it all went tits up. once you have independence, in my opinion you can get to f**k if yous want back in if it all went pear shaped. as for gloating, or going on like yous will be a super power, throwing your weight about, the new player in the EU...brussells will cripple you with tax if the mark starts getting over stepped.

what the f**k ypu on about super power,no wonder the braveheart brigade are so ant english with silly c**ts like you spouting your bile.


hes just looking for a bite dont take the bait :thumbs:



they're on to me...

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I can understand why Scottish independence may seem a good thing to some scots and the fact that the creation of the union wasn't exactly a quick and painless act of friendship but that is history and its easy to look at things romantically, you know the type of thing, a red deer on a misty Scottish Hill, pipes playing with Mel Gibson waving his Claymoor adorned with a Scottish flag but................................the reality would be somewhat different I think. There is the economy and yes I know this government couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel but I think Scotland would be far worse off out of the union, everyone keeps on about Oil but for long term security its putting too many eggs in one basket. Then defence and security, the Scots have a proud and hard won place in the British army and it would be a damn shame if that stopped. My mum is English and my dad Irish so I haven't got the right to hold too much of an opinion but England and Scotland would be worse off without each other.....................................IMO

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If that lot get their way, 100 years time their future equivalents of themselves will be tirelessly campaigning for independence from the united states of Europe and bleating how they were horribly wronged by Salmon and his cronies 100 years ago.. :yes::laugh:

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I say go for it! Stand alone! We'll wait! :)


again you will feel the brunt of the union breakup.if it ever did happen. wouldnt be so keen to gloat

It certainly won't benefit us,but you're entire country is completely fuckked if Scottish civic nationalists get there way.


The brain drain will rob you of all your professionals and intellectuals


The far left regime will strangle private industry (which the more free market England and Wales will lap up)


Mass immigration all over Scotland to keep your inefficient government run agriculture afloat


But on the plus side Sean Connery said he'd move back lol

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