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Hob Advice

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Since losing one of my stinkers I ve been offered a young albino hob, would I be able to keep the Jill and hob together all year round or will I need a separate hutch?


I wouldn't mind some kits of my own next year but wondering if I'd have to separate him at some stage??


Be grateful of any advice

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Yes you would need to separate them from February till September if you don't want kits cos during those months they'll be ready for nookie :laugh:


I haven't had kits but most folk i know who have had kits say they take the hob out when the jill is pregnant and let her get on with it till they should start being handled at 3 weeks but handling ages vary. Do you have homes ready for them? cos you could potentially have up to 12+ kits so need to think hard about why you need to breed. :thumbs:

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Since losing one of my stinkers I ve been offered a young albino hob, would I be able to keep the Jill and hob together all year round or will I need a separate hutch?


I wouldn't mind some kits of my own next year but wondering if I'd have to separate him at some stage??


Be grateful of any advice

You could get him castrated if you want to keep them together year round. Then if you did decide to breed you could borrow a hob.

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I have a litter of kits every year for the past 6 years and always leave the hob in with the Jill and kits, I have never had a problem with any of the hobs. The hob sometimes carries the kits about in the court but that's the only issue I've had. That doesn't seem to bother the Jill's though and they just pick the kits up and put them back. Perhaps I'm lucky and have good placid hobs... This year I had 3 litters and all were in together with the hobs and still I had no problem.

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Between them they had 13 kits. All gone to new working homes. I only have a litter(s) if I have homes for the majority of them already. I had to advertise a couple of them this year, but normally most years I have homes for all of them.

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