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If Deerhounds Aren't What They Were

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Get them out young enough and they'll work. He was about 6 months here and we had a day out with the shotgun.








My dogs are out with me from young pups, they come fishing, shooting, ferreting, shopping, on school runs, to the beach, basically everywhere I go. By the time they are 9 months to a year there isn't much they haven't seen and they start working from then.


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having been a fan for decades i see a time nearing when the show v working type have as big a difference as show v working / racing greyhound, granted the show guys are breeding more to an almost wolf

i can trace mine back i think on the deerhound / lurcher side 8 generations or so and obviously more on the greyhound side, they've all worked way pre ban but thats not the point of this thread, altho

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getting back on track.............i think that probably the breed was originally refined from lurcher types and older writings suggest foxhound and collie blood were used........ perhaps modern deerhound breeders should use good quality tested working lurcher blood to reduce size and improve conformation and type

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enough folk concentrate on geting a working type up and runing and forget about making money on them im sure a good strain can be developed.there are a few decent dogs/bitches over here doing enough to be classed as true workers

Edited by jigsaw
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as long as you get them from working stock its half the battle ,yes the kc has f****d up the strain by infusing wolfhound blood to give them broarder heads and make them thicker set..!! simple dont use them in the mix..!! jigsaw got mine from alan charles of the doherty book fame and the parents kill r/h/f , theres a few people off this site that keep and work them , i had one in the 80,s but after the ban ,kept smaller rabbiting dogs , now iam in ireland got another ,its like any cross you goto sift through the shit and do your homework !! get one from working stock ;)

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Just playing devils advocate, but many KC registered dogs used to course under rules until the ban through the Deerhound club.I know several good people who coursed and showed their dogs. Yes many show dogs have become too big at the shoulder and couldn't catch a cold, shame as function should be foremost over form. I have run a pure bred dog on larger game a decade ago and to be honest he was poor compared to a good Lurcher mainly due to the terrain locally and small fields and not being great at turning. Another thing you notice is that they often look slow but the ground they cover is amazing it can be deceiving.

I have several old books, pictures etc of the breed going way back and in there hay day the 'Scottish greyhound' was a different beast much closer to first cross Dhxgh.

Edited by Sirius
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Was on the lure a few months back and seen a guy with 3 collies and 2 deerhounds... huge feckers!....

Invited him over for a run... and was shocked at how slow the deerhounds were.... the collies werent much slower....

Now i understand.... show breeding having a detrimental effect on these dogs etc.... and these particular ones wont have been 'fit' .... but honestly... they were slow :yes: .... and looked very 'clumsy' ...

Is this how they are? .... or will these have been shite...showbred examples? ....

Ive got a video.... ill try and find it..... :thumbs: ...

if they was big boned mother fekers with hardly any shape to them then probs show type bpr i have never seen a pure work the land but have seen the show type run there stuppid slow big arse lumps spoild a fantastic breed in my opinion at the same show i got talking to a chap with an old type bred from workers and when the lady with the 2 big lumps came for a chat you could tell the difference the worker was smaller not as thick set well it just looked like my 1/2x dhxgh just wish i could have seen it run he told me he used to cours with them
The working deerhound I saw looked more like a half cross deer/grey compared to the show shite.
i got my dhxgh from Dave platts he has a couple of pure from old working stuff they looked the same as mine and very similar night too mine is 28" tts

You got any pics of your half cross mate?

not at the mo mate am art sinking a few at present pm me and al send ya a few to moz gaz
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:hmm:Ran Deerhound lurchers,.. all through the 80s...


They served me well,...I owe them much... :yes:


Be nice to see a few more lines, of Deerhound based lurchers,...


In my opinion,.they are well worth cultivating,.be they little or large in form,.the unique Deerhound temperament usually shines through.. :thumbs:


All the best, Phil.

What is the unique deerhound temperament phil?

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The BEST of this type,...show a steady, confidence ,.born of an inner power and obvious physicality..

They accept training willingly, and respond well, to a firm , but consistent hand...


The BEST of this type are have a superb temperament,..well balanced mentaly, and stand four square,.perfectly made for the running job,.. armed with a powerful gin-trap, strength of jaw,..enabling them to pull enough saleable quarry,.. to earn their corn.


However, the worst of this type,...are a bit fecking poor.... :yes:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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