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I'd of put money on him being from Barnsley not America.

So you think 'she' is getting the rough end of the deal?? What!!! Lol

Its just line breeding ,and lets face it , and as Wayne Rooney says "once you,v had a granny , you love the grey haired fanny "

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Blood relatives who meet later in life for whatever reason often end up having a sexual nature, it's something to do with the strong emotional bond they feel, but it is distorted as they didn't form it during childhood like most


Genetic sexual attraction is well documented in children who have been separate at birth.



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Aside from the incest, which is repulsive ... as a woman I really can NOT understand how she can think it's ok. Not at all. A couple of years younger, sure ... but that? It's just so gross.


Until you're that age and manage to bag yourself a 26 year old...then you'll be high fiving the girls down at bingo

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I am telling you now there is no way on God's green earth I would ever ever ever do that. Honestly the very idea makes me feel green :bad: I know a woman who's 45, messing about with a 21 year old lad. It's WRONG!

He'll be learning his trade most lads will have spent a few weeks with an older woman. :thumbs:

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Aside from the incest, which is repulsive ... as a woman I really can NOT understand how she can think it's ok. Not at all. A couple of years younger, sure ... but that? It's just so gross.

So you think 'she' is getting the rough end of the deal?? What!!! Lol

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Aside from the incest, which is repulsive ... as a woman I really can NOT understand how she can think it's ok. Not at all. A couple of years younger, sure ... but that? It's just so gross.

So you think 'she' is getting the rough end of the deal?? What!!! Lol



I can't wrap my head around what they could possibly have in common. Further I can't understand how he can look at her and think he fancies a ride. I'm 40, I can look at a lad and think phowar, nice looking. But never ever look at one and think 'oh I'd give that a go'. I just don't get what the attraction is for either of them. It doesn't compute for me I guess.

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