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Wheaton X Whippet


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  On 30/09/2013 at 16:56, Cleanspade said:

your correct moorman. not much gets past you :laugh: . i had a pic of the blue bitches dam and defo a dash in her. cant find the pic now . mores the pity. if you look closely at the pics of the dam she isnt a small bitch. the sire also isnt a small terrier. he had a dash of bull in him also. Ozzy was also the biggest pup in the litter. the others had a little less bone and looked far more like lurchers. ozzy on the other hand looked like a wheaten with a little more leg. still does lol. would be nice to see more of this type. or here how some of the others got on. :yes:

Thats right I wasn't trying to pull you up, but the lads that bred him sent me the pics and details of the parents as I was looking for one at the time but there wasn't many left to choose from.So I went with another litter where I had the pick of I think it was thirteen pups.At the time there were three litters of Wheaten crosses advertised in the CM weekly.

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wheaton/whippet x whippet/ ghd 22" 35lbs works well on lamp ,good nose ,good jacket ,good feet, retrieves to hand, a real tough dog .mixes well with other dogs, top little dog belongs to a mate atb B

couple of recent-ish pics of the old boy.    

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  On 30/09/2013 at 17:11, Moorman 1 said:


  On 30/09/2013 at 16:56, Cleanspade said:

your correct moorman. not much gets past you :laugh: . i had a pic of the blue bitches dam and defo a dash in her. cant find the pic now . mores the pity. if you look closely at the pics of the dam she isnt a small bitch. the sire also isnt a small terrier. he had a dash of bull in him also. Ozzy was also the biggest pup in the litter. the others had a little less bone and looked far more like lurchers. ozzy on the other hand looked like a wheaten with a little more leg. still does lol. would be nice to see more of this type. or here how some of the others got on. :yes:

Thats right I wasn't trying to pull you up, but the lads that bred him sent me the pics and details of the parents as I was looking for one at the time but there wasn't many left to choose from.So I went with another litter where I had the pick of I think it was thirteen pups.At the time there were three litters of Wheaten crosses advertised in the CM weekly.


no probs moorman. probably best you never took one as i got the best from that litter. :D . if i remember right the bitches dam was a quarter that would make ozzy,s dam 1 eights greyhound. so ozzy has one sixteenth greyhound in him . if you add to that the wheaten had bull in it. (tom parr) lines.. this shows in the dog in the pic i feel.

so if totally truthfull. he is a bull/wheaten, cross whippet greyhound :hmm: .. but looking at the parents he is a whippet greyhound. this dog game is never simple is it. :laugh: the sire was called rebel :thumbs: there was also a whippet greyhound cross wheaten litter out of the same bitch. :thumbs:

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  • 7 months later...

heres mine a saluki wheaton bull grey hes got alot more muscle tone to him now though as this was taken few month ago but turning out to be a good dog



Edited by andy97
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  On 10/05/2014 at 11:45, ~REDWALL~ said:

Litter mates ..fawn and rough ..cleanspade there 1/2grey 1/4whippet 1/4 wheaton attachicon.gif1939870_10153890590410401_1165203924_o.jpg

nice sort redwall. ive never allowed my dog to stud. but when i see those i wonder if i may have been wrong they look just nice for all round rabbit work lamping ferretting etc.

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  On 10/05/2014 at 12:25, Cleanspade said:


  On 10/05/2014 at 11:45, ~REDWALL~ said:

Litter mates ..fawn and rough ..cleanspade there 1/2grey 1/4whippet 1/4 wheaton attachicon.gif1939870_10153890590410401_1165203924_o.jpg

nice sort redwall. ive never allowed my dog to stud. but when i see those i wonder if i may have been wrong they look just nice for all round rabbit work lamping ferretting etc.


Still only pups but both coming on nicely ....sire was a non ped raceing whippet ..both pups very quick ...as you say think they'll be good for rabbit job

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  On 10/05/2014 at 14:55, whip x grey said:


  On 10/05/2014 at 11:29, ~REDWALL~ said:




there s some more photos for ya david lol as requested lol but not got many off ur abby close up


quite a good few wheaten xs in our part of the country





All I can see is photos of your dog :yes:

Edited by ~REDWALL~
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I have a Wheaton greyhound, I'm not sure how to put a picture up on an iPhone? If there's a way someone let me know haha. Yeah mines 23 tts rough coated, I wouldn't have any other breed now. Run on any ground no problem, good feet, good size and weight, good head, good nose. And game as! There very very under rated in my eyes. I recommend them

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