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800 Hours Community Service & 5 Yr Animal Ban For Lurcher Lads

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All live in same town as me..... don't have a clue any of them to be honest. Only been going out with dogs about 2years and this is what happens to them.


i was waiting for someone in the know to come on and confirm what the majority suspected. :yes:

its you and the other fellas that are in your town i feel sorry for, the old bill and rspca are gonna be all over your lot, not to mention the anti's and grasses.

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Posing on facebook, that's says it all really, they handed themselves in on a silver platter.

the working dog game throws up some shit dog me -- I`ve seen terriers and lurchers kept in terrible conditions over the years once the police rspca and media get all over it we all get tarred with the

the fact drugs, weapons, stolen goods etc where found in the raids and also loads of coppers attending suggests these boys already had criminal records, these ain't hunting lads got caught out , these

Now these young lads a have a criminal record.Dont we live in a great country. :bad:

the fact drugs, weapons, stolen goods etc where found in the raids and also loads of coppers attending suggests these boys already had criminal records, these ain't hunting lads got caught out , these are sadists that pretend to be like us , they one of the reasons we will never be legal again, this aint being young and stupid, these divs decided the local fields just where to far to walk and maybe did not like mud on the air max, these boys played there 'hunting' on a middle class housing estate, then wnet on facebook and bragged about it, in short they did not even get what they deserved not by a long shot,

Edited by arcticgun
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Now these young lads a have a criminal record.Dont we live in a great country. :bad:

Never mind all the other stuff it looks like they were up to, if you set your dogs on people's pets in a residential area, what do you expect? Too many idiots who don't give a shit about anyone or anything getting in to this game.

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Now these young lads a have a criminal record.Dont we live in a great country. :bad:


Now these young lads a have a criminal record.Dont we live in a great country. :bad:

serves the clowns right , and we did before the moron brigade got into dogs,birds etc

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these lads will not have been intimidated by the plods usual interview bollocks not be a long shot, they town scumbags end of story this sort of behaviour just relaxation to them, dont be thinking they wandering the countryside is what got these boys into trouble, they may have been there to run that hare but them foxes was killed a in a town on an estate, as where the cats etc thats what caught the attention, too may cats went missing etc joe public seen stuff they should not of, I think to be fair they got off lightly very lightly, recently I faced charges for coursing/poaching/trespass, hunting with dogs etc, proper stitch up job and we where warned that it would be a three figure fine not just 800 hrs doing sod all , and we had not even killed nowt we lost a bird of prey and went to get it back just off permisson, mind at least once they come to their senses they did not take our dogs, despite all the threats by plod and courts we got aquitted eventually still costs though , no apology even though we was in right, for me they want not jail but flogging in public once they not eaten for as long as them half starved dogs, might teach em not to show off and be cruel and pretent to be hunters , jails for proiper crims not silly little boys trying to look big and hard on facebook, no wonder the public despise us they set the case back years, some lurcherman bred them dogs and sold em to little savages, maybe the breeder should pop round and give em a slap for doign that with his stock, refeering to starving the dog to death

that is true words you speaking there my mate just site back and think what this sport has become just hope them lads have learned from it if nothing else but to look after a dog and just think of all the good times that dog has given then the least thay could do is look after them dogs
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