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same old story---- ffs how many of the people that crib a judges choice have stepped under the ropes and judged a show ----

Like somebody else posted, I'm also glad my terrier is ugly!

I agree putting on a show is hard work you will never please everyone but that is just life! Shame so many people put so much bad feed back sure if they had won the judges would have been spot on! Its

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I have only been to one show this year and that was the coursing crew show at shepton mallet my son judged this and he has been into dogs all his life 41 years and this is was the only show he has been to also so to say their judges are picking faces is a load od old bollocks to put it bluntly. I myself judged the midland a couple of years back in the champion of champions and both myself and garry the other judge with me who incidentally I had never met before were asked to judge by the countrymans weekly nothing at all to do with paddy weaver or the coursing crew,and both myself and the other judge had not been to a show that year either.making a mockery of the statement they pick their own dogs . yes a lot of the same dogs win a lot of shows and that is because they are real nice dogs in tip top condition every year you get the same gripes at shows throughout the country and the same gripes have been going on since lurcher shows first started in the early seventies which is sad really .its a pity that people didn't realise these people organising and people judging do it for other people to enjoy their day and a lot of time fo free not even getting their expences out ofit if its for a charity or fundraising show.making it hard when they read a pile of shit on the internet

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  On 17/09/2013 at 13:29, the_stig said:

same old story---- ffs how many of the people that crib a judges choice have stepped under the ropes and judged a show ----

good post stig and I bet you its not many because people who have judged know how little reconition or thanks they get for it other than of the organisers of the show itself :thumbs:

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  On 17/09/2013 at 13:50, boyo said:


  On 17/09/2013 at 13:29, the_stig said:

same old story---- ffs how many of the people that crib a judges choice have stepped under the ropes and judged a show ----

good post stig and I bet you its not many because people who have judged know how little reconition or thanks they get for it other than of the organisers of the show itself :thumbs:


chuck your own fuel at it give up your sunday for a ham salad .. been there many a time -you pay your money you take your chances if you don't like it don't go again its that simple ..

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if you look back at old posts you see the same gripes coming out year after year sometimes by the same people . they really need to get a life or even a different hobby. I don't know if they realise but show organisers normally finish work on a Friday drive to wherever the venue is sort out and organise everything ready for the weekend then work all day sat and sunday if its a 2 day show . then after the show finishes pack everything away and drive home sometimes arriving home well after midnight and then see to their own dogs before going to bed then getting up at first light to go out to do a days work now I wouldn't want to do those hours if I was getting a good wage for it never mind for nothing or expences. it don't half make my piss boil when you here all the crabbers on about how it should be done .a bit of advice try running a show yourselves then you will see the work and time involved..

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  On 17/09/2013 at 14:04, boyo said:

if you look back at old posts you see the same gripes coming out year after year sometimes by the same people . they really need to get a life or even a different hobby. I don't know if they realise but show organisers normally finish work on a Friday drive to wherever the venue is sort out and organise everything ready for the weekend then work all day sat and sunday if its a 2 day show . then after the show finishes pack everything away and drive home sometimes arriving home well after midnight and then see to their own dogs before going to bed then getting up at first light to go out to do a days work now I wouldn't want to do those hours if I was getting a good wage for it never mind for nothing or expences. it don't half make my piss boil when you here all the crabbers on about how it should be done .a bit of advice try running a show yourselves then you will see the work and time involved..

I`ve packed up judging but you only need a couple to pack up every year and it makes an organisers job even harder ...

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I agree putting on a show is hard work you will never please everyone but that is just life! Shame so many people put so much bad feed back sure if they had won the judges would have been spot on! Its so easy to judge from the ropes try and judge its hell of a lot different!

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