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Black And Tans.

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Was reading the archives today and saw an old thread about these. I whipped in at the Dumfriesshire. These hounds were a unique type bred originally from a mixture of Bloodhound/Foxhound/Gascon de Santongenois.

Ther were bigger than the usual foxhound.Deep voiced the cry would raise the hackles on your neck. I know there is a pack descended from them in France, Equipage du Rorie.


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They seem to be a hound that huntsmen either love or hate. Some say they're stubborn.

A few years back a huntsman came over here from Scotland and brought 13 or 14 couple with him unfortunately I never got to see them hunt fox to make up my own mind.

However I have seen a few hunting stag and they seem up to the job.

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Tend to agree with you Neil, they could be a tad stubborn, but after being brought up in kennels and years in the game itself, I will say that the good points far outweighed the bad. Very deep scenting hounds and although they never seemed to be racing they were fast. Being bigger they had a longer stride and on a good scenting day could leave horses easily. I remember cubbing at Corrie once and they got away across the hills on an old fox. Couldnt live with them on horses and totally lost them. Despite searching all day,they were finally located the next morning over 10 miles away and still hunting,yes,stubborn buggers,but in a nice way.

Dido, used to love cubbing in Castle Milk policies, a mecca for foxes. It always brings back memories when I drive up past. Seems unbelievable that we used to hack to meets and home again crossing the A74 at the top lodge.Couldnt do it nowadays. A great hunting country and a shame they disbanded. The kennels are still there but are a dog breeding establishment or something similar nowadays.

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