Sharper 60 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 So our season started this week with a Tuesday afternoon reccy to a spot that we only got one day on last year. However this spot provided me, seanc, newkid and a few others with 67 rabbits in 6 hours; not bad for a bunch of devon banks. We were gutted that we only got one shot last year at this hallowed ground, but the oportunity to kick this season off with a bang meant that we soon forgot about that. The reccy proved productive. Last year we had to call in reinforcements to tackle these hedges, and I think a conservative estimate would be that we only worked 10% of the banks. There were rabbits everywhere. The problem was finding hedges that were small enough to partition up and work with only four people (we had planned to hit it on Saturday but the land owner wanted to be there and he could only do a half day). We scoped a couple of likely spots and agreed that Seanc, me, the landowner and his nephew would meet at 08:00 hrs on Sat and get our seaon off to a start. Both Seanc and I have new stock this season. I have a poley kit that was too young to work last year, and seanc has bolstered his ranks with a couple of albino jills. We were both keen to see how the newbies would cope. We figured that since this place was living with rabbits, it would be a good introduction for the little weasels. Saturday morning came and we were up early doors, chomping at the bit. We met up with the land owner and his nephew and made our way to the first hedge. Sean threw up the long net around it and in no time we were ready to send in the troops. We decided that seanc's gang would have the pleasure of tackling this hedge. He released an old veteren, who promptley dissapeared below ground, followed by the two newbies. The smaller one, guided by instinct, picked up the scent and descended below; the second, guided by a less pronounced instinct ran around on top of the bank. Eventually it got the scent, and dissapeared. All ferrets were working well, showing every so oftern before returning underground. Soon the first rabbit bolted, hit the net, missed by the land owner, ran for freedom before doing a 180 degree turn, only to back net himself. Land owner fumbled again and a very lucky rabbit got away. I laughed at how polite seanc was to him, thinking if I had done that how much shit I would have got. Before long another rabbit bolted. This one was not as lucky. Things started to hot up and by 09:30 we had seven in the bag. We moved to the next hedge, netted up, and in with my two. Both of these poleys have a bit of EU in them, so they are a bit quick for my liking. I warned the land owner and his nephew that they were quick, so they needed to make sure they didn't jump to next hedge once they were bored. They quickly realised that I wasn't talking shit and we had a hectic half an hour chasing rabbits andd ferrets. After another 30 mins. 7 more rabbits were accounted for, and we pulled stumps before the racing ferrets dissapeared. With 14 in the bag by 11:00 Seanc and I were dubious about takling another hedge 100m's+ long. Whilst the land owner maintained we could split it up, we tried to explain that it didn't work like that. Keen to keep him on side we agreed to do a small section. After only one rabbit caught, and the rest bolting down the top of the hedge, he eventually saw our point. The last hedge was only 10m s long. Seanc's terrier marked well and in the ferrets went. After a suprisingly long time a reluctant buck made a dash for it. He didnt make it and he was added to the bag. The day ended at 12:30 with a bag of 16. Not a bad start at a site that will keep us going all season. Enjoy a few pics.... 6 Quote Link to post
koda 83 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 well done good haul Quote Link to post
delboy p 183 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 good start can not wait to get started Quote Link to post
seanc 201 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 Nice write up Sam, you seem to have overlooked the little incident where you got some air time :-) Quote Link to post
Sharper 60 Posted September 15, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 dont know what you're talking about sean... Quote Link to post
NEWKID 27,668 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 Cracking write up Sam.... Shame about the pics lol.. See you boys soon, looking forward to hitting that lot again.. Quote Link to post
The one 8,513 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 Nice read and Picts mate Quote Link to post
Furittus 35 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 More, more , more, . Quote Link to post
Jamie m 668 Posted September 15, 2013 Report Share Posted September 15, 2013 Nice pics . And short legged south west ferrets : ) Quote Link to post
hunter1 63 Posted September 21, 2013 Report Share Posted September 21, 2013 Cracking pics Quote Link to post
MR TEA POT 1,287 Posted September 22, 2013 Report Share Posted September 22, 2013 Good write up and pics mate ? Quote Link to post
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