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Have ye tried looking in Ireland?


I know a few lads that hunt a few beagles and might have some spare pups?

i looked into that infact i very nearly got a foxhound bitch from their (was that not thru you?) but by the time you pay £300 each for dogs then a couple of hundred in the ferry it adds up!

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Just out of interest has any one tried any from rehoming places? I only ask cause i know at least 2 families who have got them before i could disuade them then had to get rid because they were to much of a handfull. Now i know it could be really hit and miss but for the 60 quid or what ever you pay its got to be worth a shot and it got to be better for the hound to have a season getting hunted/tested then culled if its no good than the fate that all ways faces "pets" that are to much work, being bounced around homes and eventualy killed in a dog kennel.

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A friend of mine has some beagle pups. He is located in Ireland.


He is not looking for a fortune for them, definetly not €300 each, so even with the cost of transport, they might still work out ok?


These are from hunting stock.


PM me if ye are interested.

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Hi guys im looking to find out if there is any beagle litters planned from good working parents

Atb wayne

if you can't find "good working parents" try a young rescue if you have the time and something to bring it on you can not take away 500 years of instinct fckrs will hunt anything with a scent your training will decide what, but the instinct for fox will eventually for go all other quarry (rabbits, squirrels, cats :laugh: ) good luck mate oh yeh and if you have the money locators are a good investment :tongue2:

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