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First First Of The Year..!

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Having just got back from the annual trip over to my brothers place in spain I managed a couple of outings since Wednesday , but although there were plenty of deer about they were all does & fawns so blanked .Out again tonight I took one of the lads who works in the butchers in the local farm shop ,mad keen on stalking he has no fallow on the little permission he has .He's managed a few roe but never a fallow .Met at my place at 5.30 & explained what & what not was to happen regarding shot placement etc .Arrived at the farm by 6pm ,glassing up as we went I put him in what I thought would be the "pound seat" but it's down to luck in the end .As we parted I reminded him foxes were on the menu ,he was in a seat to my left , 150 metres away the field dog legged left and 50 metres on was his seat , after twenty min the crack from his unmoderated 243 could be heard even by someone as deaf as me .No message told me it was a fox .

At about 7.15 a couple of does & fawns appeared 15 metres to my left followed by a poor 2year old buck , the does walked straight out onto the field followed by the fawns ,the buck turned left and started to walk towards the other seat,stopping every few yards to graze ,I had the ir on him at 50 metre but never squeezed the trigger ,I decided to let him keep walking ,once pass the dog leg he would be on for the lad , if he turned right out onto the field before the corner I would take him .several more does & fawns appeared beneath the seat as I watched him walk towards the corner ,he carried on in a straight line , he would have been in full view of the other seat by now .No shot .....the deer was now out of my sight as the field dipped away ,five minutes later there was a crack of the .243 , the deer appeared back on the horizon heading my way only to collapse a second or two later .I watched it for a few minutes till all movement stopped accept for the odd twitch .the lad appeared with a large grin on his face ,he touched its eye job done . Shot placement was spot on .When we had the talk at home earlier I said nothing over 100m ,heart lung ,wait till its square on ,he shot it at 74m (he had my rangefinder) absolutely on the money. It was in the chiller at 103lbs .My first person this year to get his first fallow .....pics to follow ......ps ..he also had a fox , which will please the keeper no end

Edited by sussex
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Very happy for the man and fair play to you for giving him the opportunity - Getting a good clean shot is great for his confidence and by seeing the beast run a short distance before dropping is valuable education - he'll never forget his first buck, and now he'll never forget to follow up a shot he new to be good.


ps - I hope you made him drag his first buck as well - that'll learn him at that weight!

Edited by Yokel Matt
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