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A Plea For Guidence


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Hi everyone!

Im starting this thread in order to ask for a little help (a lot) I am currently training a Harris Hawk (my first bird and ambition since I was a child) At this time he is ready to be entered (hunt for the first time) I don't have any ferrets at the moment because I wouldn't know how to work and manage them, however it is another aspect of falconry I wish to learn about. The permissions I have to fly the hawk on seem to lack any evidence of rabbits which was surprising and disappointing (I guess this shows my inexperience) I was wondering weather there was anybody nearby (North Walsham, Norfolk) that would be willing to let me and my bird tag along with them this season and learn how to use the ferrets successfully. Of course I would be without the bird until I acquire my own ferret and allow the hawk to become accustomed to it avoiding the obvious nasty accidents in the field.

Thanks very much for all your time in reading this post!


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You are in Norfolk and you aint got coneys on the land,well that's damn unlucky mate? What I would suggest is you get some more land asap with bunnies (I know its easy to say sat here behind a pc screen) but if the bird aint got any quarry to fly then it is going to get frustrated very quickly,by all means get out with someone else as you will learn a lot, but try try try, to get some rabbiting, you are in Norfolk for gods sake, I suggest you have a walk round your existing permission with a lamp at night as this will tell you if you have rabbits or not mate, and lamping a Harris is great fun anyway, if you read up ect on ferreting and get a couple of this years kits from working stock they will enter themselves you don't need to train them pal but get a locator and a couple of collars,if you are out with ferrets until the hawk is used to them ONLY fly from the glove, and if it misses the rabbit get it back asap even if you have to use the lure, or you will end up with dead ferrets,hope this helps and best of luck mate.

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Thanks for the reply, He chased a hare yesterday which was pretty exciting but scary also, the hare made it to cover and ren pitched in a tree. I thought about lamping but isn't it a bit muggins? But yeah Im going out tonight to have a scout about. Applied to the bfc. If I can find someone to ferret with I think it would be the best way.



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Thanks for the reply, He chased a hare yesterday which was pretty exciting but scary also, the hare made it to cover and ren pitched in a tree. I thought about lamping but isn't it a bit muggins? But yeah Im going out tonight to have a scout about. Applied to the bfc. If I can find someone to ferret with I think it would be the best way.



Listen lad,forget muggins and all that boll-cks, lamping is good testing sport and makes for a very fit hawk, and if I were you I would try to keep your male Harris away from hares, HE IS TOO SMALL, and will end up getting a kick which will finish him off, he is chasing so it sounds like you got a good bird, get him on the bunnies asap, get him out lamping and catching.
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That's fair enough mate cant be helped sometimes, trust me get out on your ground and have a shine around, and see what the rabbit situation is like, do some recalls to the glove in the dark, lit by a headtorch, get someone to pull the rabbit lure or carcass while you put the lamp beam on it, he will soon get the idea, then get him out and entered, you can make some reflective jesses for him I make em out of old hi vis materiel, when he has killed feed him up well on every rabbit, open the chest up and let him have a good feed,then trade him and let him finish his meal on the glove, it will make him a motivated hawk, lamping is far from easy mugging mate I can promise you that, it is hard full on wing pumping stuff, that will get your bird super fit, and do your best to get some rabbit land and a couple of ferrets.

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To be honest mate any million candle power will do but just for sheer size I would go with something like a cluson shooterlite, you don't want to be lugging something with a head like a trombone on it, you have enough to carry with bird, headtorch, bag, battery ect ect, I will be making and selling some nice reflective paracord jesses soon as soon as it arries, taken me a while to source it but they should be the dogs doodars, and I will be selling them at a very reasonable price to forum members, if you want a pair pm me your number and I will let you know when they are done and tested, you will love the lamping mate, and when the dark nights come and you cant get out in the day, you will be very glad of it, and so will your bird, good luck pal and let me know how its going.

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Put me down for a pair when you make some bud

Done mate, I will test them first but I think they are going to be very good indeed and the beauty of them will be no dicking about swapping from daytime flying jesses to night time just leave them on and as they are woven with reflective materiel light up as soon as the light hits them but I will do a proper test on them to make sure people will be happy with them.

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Put me down for a pair when you make some bud

Done mate, I will test them first but I think they are going to be very good indeed and the beauty of them will be no dicking about swapping from daytime flying jesses to night time just leave them on and as they are woven with reflective materiel light up as soon as the light hits them but I will do a proper test on them to make sure people will be happy with them.


And on what bird are you planning on trying them on ha, the suspence is killing me, how did the sale go with the red?

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HaHa, the red went straight away, it was a great shame it had the makings of a hell of a bird, but no way with my neighbours could I wait for it to quieten down, sure it will when its killing regular, well I have my eye on a female Harris :tongue2: she sounds a brilliant bird going to see her fly at the weekend and if I like what I see :thumbs::thumbs:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did not get that Harris mate as the arse-ole that was selling it neglected to tell me it had a lump on its foot, I could have strangled him, and he knew it, and left sharpish, got a male though now and to be honest he is turning out to be brilliant in the day and awesome on the lamp art night, very pleased with him.

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