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Weird Rabbit...

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Right anyone come across this before:


I was out in the quarry for a mooch about with my catty, not really in the hope of catching anything as I was chatting away with a friend when I spotted a bunny that looked like it was caught on wire or something as it was on its belly and moving really weird. (Back legs out and like it was crawling on its hips?)


I walked right up to it, no struggle or attempt at getting away, didn't even seem to look about or move it head so I figured it must be mixy? but clear eyed, no mouth froth or any discharge anywhere I could see...


Heres the thing though, after prodding with a stick for about 3-4 minutes ( Didn't want to handle it yet. Picked up a sick bunny full of maggots once, learned my lesson there!) general umming and ahhing about wtf was wrong with it as I had established by now there was nothing for it to be caught on, it jumped up and hopped off like nothing was wrong!!


I have been mumbling the whole way home I was handed a gift and didn't take it, but I have a feeling all was not right with this rabbit. Anyone seen anything like it? Early mixy? exhausted bunny? pot of stew gold I let go?

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Guest norseman


i caught a healthy one the other day on my way to feed sheep. it was healthy but had a huge abcess/cancer on its back leg leaving it unable to move. so i necked it for the ferrets and drove on

if t had cancer then that rabbit def wasn't healthy lol



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