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mine will do owt for me. always been around even tho my mam wasnt. picked up the pieces and raised 4 boys. couple went wayward and he stuck by them, theres been punch ups, arguments, tears, upset...bu

Mine is deed. And it really flooks me off seeing folk talk to there ole man like shit or even have nowt to do with them... but there again if he was still here we would probs be just like most other f

I get on great with my dad (Borderscot) he has taught me loads about dogs and hunting and he has never let me or my brothers or sisters down.   We spend loads of time together with the dogs could no

I get on great with my dad (Borderscot) he has taught me loads about dogs and hunting and he has never let me or my brothers or sisters down.


We spend loads of time together with the dogs could not wish for a better dad he is my best mate too :toast:

Good to hear you know how lucky you are Jack, all the very best to you and your ole man, hope you's have many years working dogs together :victory:

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Lost my old man to Cancer 20 years ago. He was 63. Watched the big C take him in just 3 months. He raised 4 sons and we've all done alright. Worked hard all his life to keep us fed and clothed. Suffered with Arthuritis bad as well. Towards the end i had to help my Mum feed and dress him, brought tears to his eyes, the only time i'd seen him cry.


The 4 of us carried his Coffin on its final journey. The proudest day of my life.





Still miss him.

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I've probably said about 100 - 200 words to my biological father in all my 35 years, not from lack of trying on my part.. Him and my mum split up when i was real small.. He's a free spirit, goes his own way and bollocks to what everybody thinks! :laugh: He told me once he never wanted to try telling me what to do with my life, he's just let me get on with things and do what i wanted. I suppose in his mind he's done me a favour over the years, gave me the freedom he wanted for himself.. Some might call that a cop out I suppose, it's certainly not how I choose to parent.


My stepdad is my dad as far as I'm concerned, he was there all my life growing up, took me fishing, hunting, gave me sound advice, etc. Between him and my grandad who I was also very close too, I never missed out. If my two boys see me as even half the man that I see either of that pair as, I'll have done OK.. :thumbs:

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im 43 and see or speak to my dad every day.he is 69 but is always out and about.came out couple of times last season when I was digging on my own and gave me a hand.my kids are 12 and 15 and he treats them as he did with us when we were kids.takes them hunting,fishing and down the pub.bloody great.me mums just the same

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Get on with mine and everyone says we're really alike. I can even see how we're alike I just think I'm more how he'd be if he had bigger balls lol. In reply to that though he says he was the same at my age but ill change. All I can say is I hope not lol

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Never really had much to do with my dad. He lived with us, but he had zero interest in my interests and vice versa. My Grandad on my mother's side was my guiding light and taught me almost everything I needed to become (IMO) a decent well-rounded adult. He was a proper mate. :thumbs:

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my dad left my mum when i was 12 - 18 mnths old and when i was growing up i had the odd chance of seeing him but always bottled it, to this day i totally and utterly regret it :yes:


only in recent years have i had any contact with him. only passing text's and the odd phone call, meet him proberly 5 / 6 times but my advise to anyone not knowing weva or not to meet eaither your mum or dad is to go for it :yes:


because your along time dead, and its to late to say i wish this i could have done this or wish i coud have done that :yes:


and never ever ever take 1 side of the story of why you dont see your other parent, theres always to sides of a story :thumbs:


i wish i had half or even a quater the relationship some have said they've had with theirs :cray:

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im lucky i have 2 people who i call dad

one is my biological dad , always been there as a dad and if i need anything would give/help me without a doubt

the other is my stepdad , same as above but i also count him as a best friend , i dont get to see them much with me living over here and them back in england but i speak to them at least once a week ... and i genuinely miss them loads

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I get on with my old man fine

Love and respect the bugger to bits lol

Wouldn't be with out him

But lads that are unfortunate to not have around or known there dads respect to you aswell as I believe we all need a farther figure whether it an uncle friend brother Etc

Atb Tom ;)

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