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mine will do owt for me. always been around even tho my mam wasnt. picked up the pieces and raised 4 boys. couple went wayward and he stuck by them, theres been punch ups, arguments, tears, upset...bu

Mine is deed. And it really flooks me off seeing folk talk to there ole man like shit or even have nowt to do with them... but there again if he was still here we would probs be just like most other f

I get on great with my dad (Borderscot) he has taught me loads about dogs and hunting and he has never let me or my brothers or sisters down.   We spend loads of time together with the dogs could no

Mine is deed. And it really flooks me off seeing folk talk to there ole man like shit or even have nowt to do with them... but there again if he was still here we would probs be just like most other father sons an argue lol but I like to think it would be special, and with that in mind I really do try me hardest with my son an hope to do so for as long as I'm here.... soppy I know lol but it's honest..

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mine will do owt for me. always been around even tho my mam wasnt. picked up the pieces and raised 4 boys. couple went wayward and he stuck by them, theres been punch ups, arguments, tears, upset...but theres been a lot of good times and we've had a laugh too. Like the first time he cooked us christmas dinner, chicken breasts baked to extintion and veg all cut up into cubes on a plate...not even a drop of gravy :laugh:


we are very similar me and him, i am the oldest. so i struggled to live with him and we clashed, but now ive moved out i make it a thing to see him regular, sometimes just me and him, sometimes me and my daughter and him. Sometimes all the lads together (two are in the forces)


as ive gotten older, and once i became a parent, i understood what it is to be a dad. maybe not right away but when it comes to leading this young life, this blank canvas, in the right direction, you have to teach them, and make decisions. Until one day they make their own. Its a big responsibility and You're not always going to be liked, but you have to do it.


"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise - alden nowlan"

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I have 4 step sons and I would like to think that they feel the same about me as I do about them as there father couldn't give 2 shits for them...its tough bringing up step kids but I wouldn't change the last 14 years for anything...

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