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Do You Know What I Like

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Being out on me own when everybody else is tucked up... Watching me kids laugh or smile.. Watching a young dog learning.. Ferreting on frosty mornings.. Catching a particular fish you've been tryi

The Hunting Life Charity Fishing competition.

Shoot days, the bacon sarny at my parents in the morning, the dogs knowing exactly who's required and who isn't, the social side of it, banter, dog work, the shooting, watching all the hard work pay off, just a hell of a buzz for me.


Rough shooting on frosty December mornings.


Sitting out wrapped up by a fire in the late summer and autumn.


Winter, really do love it.


Having friends where you are practically part of the furniture, kettles always on and an hour is always spare.

Spot on all I'd add is the smell of gun powder hanging after the drive.

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Shoot days, the bacon sarny at my parents in the morning, the dogs knowing exactly who's required and who isn't, the social side of it, banter, dog work, the shooting, watching all the hard work pay off, just a hell of a buzz for me.


Rough shooting on frosty December mornings.


Sitting out wrapped up by a fire in the late summer and autumn.


Winter, really do love it.


Having friends where you are practically part of the furniture, kettles always on and an hour is always spare.

Spot on all I'd add is the smell of gun powder hanging after the drive.

Knowing all the drives on the local shoots,,, and making sure I'm on the other side of the estate having a few races out the way ;)

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When I've got an extra quid or two, I over pay on a parking ticket in town and then when I get back to the car, I wait for an elderly person to approach the ticket machine or drive in to the car park, stop them and give them my ticket. Never fails to cheer them up and doesn't cost me much. I put that feeling in my Karma bank :thumbs:

i wait for the elderly who have been given an extra month or two and have their ticket :D

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When I've got an extra quid or two, I over pay on a parking ticket in town and then when I get back to the car, I wait for an elderly person to approach the ticket machine or drive in to the car park, stop them and give them my ticket. Never fails to cheer them up and doesn't cost me much. I put that feeling in my Karma bank :thumbs:


Eh, The elderly shouldnt be on the road in the first place, fekin nuisance, euthanase at 50 i say

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When I've got an extra quid or two, I over pay on a parking ticket in town and then when I get back to the car, I wait for an elderly person to approach the ticket machine or drive in to the car park, stop them and give them my ticket. Never fails to cheer them up and doesn't cost me much. I put that feeling in my Karma bank :thumbs:


Eh, The elderly shouldnt be on the road in the first place, fekin nuisance, euthanase at 50 i say



I stopped a little old lady last week, white clap-trap of a car, she could barely see over the dash bless her. Gave her the ticket and she light up like a Christmas tree. It's the simple things I guess :D ... wouldn't want to be driving behind her on the motorway, mind :laugh:

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my kids telling me they missed me-after i popped out to the shop :D clearing out the last few shovels and that smell!!! f***ing sexual that-lol-when the wife tells me she loves me :icon_redface: first one out in the morning or after a good rain-love that smell-welsh cakes baking reminds me of my Nan-the steady methodical bay of a good working terrier :yes: fishing a river/lake for the first time and watching the rod tip-watching and listening to my kids explaining to their friends about the dogs,ferrets and hunting-my lads face when he sees a fox :boogy: becoming a father again :icon_redface: atb

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