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Do You Know What I Like

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The English countryside Strong tea with 3 sugars Dinner in a good Paris resturaunt Expresso in Europe Buying fish as they land it Laying on the bed with all my kids and my wife in the morning Cl

Being out on me own when everybody else is tucked up... Watching me kids laugh or smile.. Watching a young dog learning.. Ferreting on frosty mornings.. Catching a particular fish you've been tryi

The Hunting Life Charity Fishing competition.

When kids are excited to see you come home.

Smell of pine cones or the Christmas tree being burnt on a Open fire

Smell roast beef cooking.


Having a coffee early in morning when everyone's asleep and it's quiet.

Stowford press cider

Curry and cider... Now your talking..

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The dogs quivering when a rabbits about to bolt..


The swing tip straightening out when bream fishing on the canal ( 20 years ago lol)


The smell of pipe tobacco ( brings back old memories)


When you smell something ( can be anything) and it reminds you of something you thought you'd forgotten..


Seeing mates you ain't seen for years, and its the same as it was then...

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early frosty mornings out with the dogs.-------.stepping off a plane somewhere hot.-------sunday roast.------- a few pints with the lads..----breaking through.--------turning a profit however small... -------going out for a quiet pint and it turns into a proper night out ...

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early frosty mornings out with the dogs.-------.stepping off a plane somewhere hot.-------sunday roast.------- a few pints with the lads..----breaking through.--------turning a profit however small... -------going out for a quiet pint and it turns into a proper night out ...

The old " I'll only have a couple, love"....9 hrs later your in a state like Tarquin lol...

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early frosty mornings out with the dogs.-------.stepping off a plane somewhere hot.-------sunday roast.------- a few pints with the lads..----breaking through.--------turning a profit however small... -------going out for a quiet pint and it turns into a proper night out ...

The old " I'll only have a couple, love"....9 hrs later your in a state like Tarquin lol...


done it many a time :D I went to get a Chinese one night went in ordered it called for a pint while they got it ready ended up standing in for a lad on the darts team had a few more forgot the chinese till it was to late went home expecting a bollocking -- and they`d delivered it .. :D ..another time went to wales for a show Saturday morning said to the mrs see you sunday night I got home Thursday..

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early frosty mornings out with the dogs.-------.stepping off a plane somewhere hot.-------sunday roast.------- a few pints with the lads..----breaking through.--------turning a profit however small... -------going out for a quiet pint and it turns into a proper night out ...


The old " I'll only have a couple, love"....9 hrs later your in a state like Tarquin lol...

done it many a time :D I went to get a Chinese one night went in ordered it called for a pint while they got it ready ended up standing in for a lad on the darts team had a few more forgot the chinese till it was to late went home expecting a bollocking -- and they`d delivered it .. :D ..another time went to wales for a show Saturday morning said to the mrs see you sunday night I got home Thursday..

There always the best ones... There worth the bollcking mate, it gets to that point if no return you know your in the dog house but you don't give a f**k lol...


I only said I was going out for a paper on the Saturday morning of the fishing comp lol

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Shoot days, the bacon sarny at my parents in the morning, the dogs knowing exactly who's required and who isn't, the social side of it, banter, dog work, the shooting, watching all the hard work pay off, just a hell of a buzz for me.


Rough shooting on frosty December mornings.


Sitting out wrapped up by a fire in the late summer and autumn.


Winter, really do love it.


Having friends where you are practically part of the furniture, kettles always on and an hour is always spare.

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Walking across fields in the middle of nowhere with no clue when i,ll be coming back.

The sound of fast cars.

Putting a smile on folks face less fortunate than myself.

The joint excitement between pals going to an away game.

A cheeky bacon sandwich.

Pushing the body and mind to its limits.

Watching the sea/ocean.

Bonding with a dog.

A natter with the local old boys.

Sharp crisp spring mornings.

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I like reading bed time story's to my kids,,, well just my son now as my daughters almost 11


Sunday dinner,,


Holidays ,, and travel


The smell of bread baking in the oven


Liking a cake mixture bowl out,,,,,, steady fellas,,lol


I wouldn't normally be the type to pull someone up about spelling as I am pretty useless......but I think you mean LICKING........... :laugh::laugh::toast:

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