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Do You Know What I Like

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The English countryside Strong tea with 3 sugars Dinner in a good Paris resturaunt Expresso in Europe Buying fish as they land it Laying on the bed with all my kids and my wife in the morning Cl

Being out on me own when everybody else is tucked up... Watching me kids laugh or smile.. Watching a young dog learning.. Ferreting on frosty mornings.. Catching a particular fish you've been tryi

The Hunting Life Charity Fishing competition.

Being out on me own when everybody else is tucked up...

Watching me kids laugh or smile..

Watching a young dog learning..

Ferreting on frosty mornings..

Catching a particular fish you've been trying for..

Having a decent wife that don't mind me doing what I want with the dogs and ferrets

and having your photo taken with joe swash....... :whistling:

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Number one for has to be pay day lol although it goes so fast :(

Women who have self respect and class.

The chase of a slag and you and her both know she's gonna end up with legs like bambi.

Also love when you and mates you've grown up with can have banter without anyone else even clocking it as you know how the others mind works.

Also like myself when I'm abit drunk and don't hold back on telling people.

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the rare twice a year occasion of totally having the house to yourself and having nothing you have to/should be doing instead...missis is out, bairns are out...read the paper in your underpants, make a toastie and dont tidy away after yourself, watch football soccer saturday and have a can at 11 in the morning. f**k it!

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I like how chasing a rabbit around still gives me the same buzz today as it did 30 years ago.


Eating a fry up on 6 nations days.........then winning the 6 nations !! :toast:


The way my kids want to do anything that I'm doing, regardless of what it is. :victory:

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the rare twice a year occasion of totally having the house to yourself and having nothing you have to/should be doing instead...missis is out, bairns are out...read the paper in your underpants, make a toastie and dont tidy away after yourself, watch football soccer saturday and have a can at 11 in the morning. f**k it!


You keep a paper in your underpants? That's a good idea. :laugh:

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The grand kids calling round and the way my heart does flip flops with love for them ,

any time Im down at the allotment ,

any time I am out with the dogs in any weather

making my missus laugh , she has got a great laugh

A couple of pints of Guiness in good company

making a meal for the family with meat I,v caught and veg I,v grown

A good book

A cheap cigar

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the rare twice a year occasion of totally having the house to yourself and having nothing you have to/should be doing instead...missis is out, bairns are out...read the paper in your underpants, make a toastie and dont tidy away after yourself, watch football soccer saturday and have a can at 11 in the morning. f**k it!


You keep a paper in your underpants? That's a good idea. :laugh:



sort of like a quick release when i go for a dump...drop my pants, there it is....you can have that idea for free walshie lad, Ive not patented it or owt :laugh:

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The English countryside

Strong tea with 3 sugars

Dinner in a good Paris resturaunt

Expresso in Europe

Buying fish as they land it

Laying on the bed with all my kids and my wife in the morning

Close friends who walk in your house and think nothing of helping themselves in the kitchen or running a bath

Mist rising off a still lake at first light as you have the first brew and fag of the day

My childrens innocence and the fact they still believe in santa

Cooking a big hearty meal and sitting down with my family to enjoy it


Theres bundles more, but I want some dinner !! lol

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kids coming down stairs on xmas day all excited and still believing in father christmas watching your pup make its first catch and little lad getting all excited about going ferreting on a crisp frosty morning or going for a day out with the wife and kids and a few cold beers with a meal after

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Cold crisp hospital sheets.

Walking the edge of a wood to set a net.

Seeing all the grandkids arrive for the day.

The youngest grandaughters wicked smile.

Seeing all the grandkids go home, after we've had them for the day.

Anytime Wales are playing win or lose.


Six bags or more of Ironing waiting for me in the morning.

Getting paid for the bags in the evening.


Oh so many small pleasures that we often take for granted.



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