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Do You Know What I Like

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When I get in and I'm cold and soaking...having a nice hot shower and putting some warm dry clothes on. Best feeling ever.


On a hot day, the first sip of lager with condensation running down the outside of the glass.


The smell of ironing.

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When I get in and I'm cold and soaking...having a nice hot shower and putting some warm dry clothes on. Best feeling ever.


On a hot day, the first sip of lager with condensation running down the outside of the glass.


The smell of ironing.

You'd love my house then. :thumbs:


People who start a sentance with a capital letter and end with a full stop. And whats in between is readable.


Beer and fags.


Can't think of anymore.



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the smell after a match, or a candle gets blown out.


waking up thinking you have to be up for work, then realising its saturday and getting back into bed


the cold side of the pillow


new sheets on the bed


steak (oh man i love steak)




another vote for a well earned pint of ale


winning a bet (horses, footy, accuumulator...it doesnt matter)

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Being out on me own when everybody else is tucked up...

Watching me kids laugh or smile..

Watching a young dog learning..

Ferreting on frosty mornings..

Catching a particular fish you've been trying for..

Having a decent wife that don't mind me doing what I want with the dogs and ferrets

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Scent and sight of a Rose.

Two stroke engine smell.

Hooking in to a big fish.

Rain hammering down when I am warm and comfy in bed.

Feeling smug after a workout.

Fresh coffee.

Running dog at top speed.

Malts list. (see above)

My kids...........when they are asleep.

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fresh bed linen, getting in after a cold nights lamping


first pint of stella when your gagging for a beer,,,,,,,,,,,like an angel pissing on your tongue


taking the money at golf


the rumble of the rabbit when you drop the ferret in


getting home to see my kids when I've been working away


meat any type as long as there's a plate full

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Scent and sight of a Rose.

Two stroke engine smell.

Hooking in to a big fish.

Rain hammering down when I am warm and comfy in bed.

Feeling smug after a workout.

Fresh coffee.

Running dog at top speed.

Malts list. (see above)

My kids...........when they are asleep.

Anything that makes me proud to be British.

oh and Liverpool winning the Premiership this season.

Edited by redpat1
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