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Harvest Mites

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We have seen so many dogs/cats recently with harvest mites, they are particularly bad this year due to it having been so damp and muggy. Harvest mites tend to be seen between the webbing of the toes, the arm pits/groin areas, they are visible to the naked eye as clusters of tiny orange dots, they cause intense itching and dogs are often driven about demented when they have them. The best and most effective killer of these mites is Frontline Spray..the areas that are infested should be sprayed at close range and the product massaged into the mites..wear gloves..its pretty potent stuff. Care should be taken when applying Frontline spray not to breathe it in or use it anywhere near garden ponds/parrots/pet birds/kids etc. For the groin/arm pits area, spray some Frontline into your hand and pat the affected area with the liquid.


September is national pet dental month..if you dog needs any dental work done, participating Vets are offering free dental check-ups this month alongwith 10% off any dentals that need done, there are also free dental packs for anyone that takes up this offer. The first signs of gingivitis are a red line along the top of the gum where it meets the tooth, there is usually a strong 'off' smell as the caries worsens. Always keep an eye out for fleshy swellings in the mouth/gums as these can be the first signs of oral tumours..more often than not they are benign tumours of the gum called an epulis..but its always worth keeping an eye on the mouth.

Edited by redmoor
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Really weird you should mention this. I noticed on my sisters dog small orange clusters just yesterday...almost like pollen from a lilly in her coat, but the skin around was red. When i disturbed the orange i could see the odd bit moving (its tiny) She has it all over, mainly around her vulva, back legs and belly. She is a small terrier. We were going to order some medicated shampoo, but ill just frontline her instead...Cheers for that RM.


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  MOLLY said:
Really weird you should mention this. I noticed on my sisters dog small orange clusters just yesterday...almost like pollen from a lilly in her coat, but the skin around was red. When i disturbed the orange i could see the odd bit moving (its tiny) She has it all over, mainly around her vulva, back legs and belly. She is a small terrier. We were going to order some medicated shampoo, but ill just frontline her instead...Cheers for that RM.



Its important to use Frontline Spray..the spot on the back of the neck will not kill all of these, they need to come into contact with the product directly. You should be able to buy the spray from any Vet as its no longer a POM. They more the dog seems to lick the more angry the skin gets, they are awful things these mites..i've seen dogs cause themselves terrible damage even overnight if they have a heavy burden.

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Guest baldie

I remember we once had a load of oat straw [which is the best for bedding] that was infested with the b*****ds. Watching 70 odd hounds scratching like mad was not funny, and bugger did it take some clearing up.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Yeppers. THORNIT for me too. Always kept some handy for years now. Never been near 'Frontline' in my life. See no reason to either as my Dogs seldom get fleas, being raw fed.


And as for dental check ups from white coats? :laugh: Ironically; My big Dog had ear mites. I dutifully took him down to the local white coat who charged me Eighty quid to first knock him out before he'd dare get near him. Then gave me a bottle of stuff which ~ when I read the label ~ stated there was a risk of it sending the Dog " Psychotic " :icon_eek:


And his only comments on all this? To gasp and enthuse in amazement about what amazing TEETH my Dog had! That's because he's fed raw flesh and bones - not some carcinogenic shit out of a geasy sack sold by a bloody white coat!


And yeah, ye've guessed it: I bought some THORNIT. Sorted my Dog out in no time and that psychosis inducing stuff and that white coat were never used again! :censored:

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