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Do You Know What I Hate

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Guest norseman

went to the shop last night and some auld bag of a woman blocked me in. only seen her when she got her chips and was returning to the car, after waiting 10mins. could have punched her lol.


people who have to let the whole f***ing room/lift/bus hear their phoncall. f**k away off haha

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people who pick dog shit up bag it up then hang it in a feckin tree or chuck the bag on the grass

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Archbishop desmond tutu, Russell brand, jews, them Albanian birds what stand at traffic lights with a baby in all weathers, big issue sellers, beggars, tip workers, folk who obviously are doing OK but walk about with a face like a smacked arse all the time, jellied eels, cheese, plastic travellers, people who don't have much and live in a poor area and think that means they have to act like a moron all the time, fat 50 year year old referees who make offside decisions from 50 yards behind the play!!...........believe me, theres a lot more !

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  On 11/09/2013 at 21:04, lanesra said:

People Who Want To Be Called MATE , Also Those Who Won't Slow Down For Horses , Others Who Just Shake Your Hand & Won't Shoulder Touch , Fellas Who Dont Have Tribal Tattoos . . Oh And Bad Tempered Cockneys :) :) :)


Gooners...........I forgot f***ing Gooners :laugh:

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  On 11/09/2013 at 19:32, Its_grim_up_norf said:

people who shorten words for no reason.


perf, dece, prob...on the internet and text it is unbearable. in real life when people speak to you using these words, we should be allowed to punch them in the throat.

Ive heard people actually say LOL instead of laugh :blink:

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  On 11/09/2013 at 21:08, BIG G wheton machine said:

foreign basttards who sit begging in the street. you have no money? no sir please please. then how da fucck did you ever get to northern Ireland if you have no money? fucck aff ya smelly soap dodging foreign parastie

an the c**ts usely have a mouthful gold get the pliers out..an japs cant stand them
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