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Help With Breeding.

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In greyhound breeding it is often thought that useing the same sire twice in a row won't produce the same standard of pups, breed data and performance sheets back these thoughts.

But obviously it's not all black and white.

There is no wrong or right and everyone will always have a story to tell to back there train of thought.

As for breeding from the bitch in question, go for it, keep the pups tightly held and be prepared to cull more than the bitch in 12 months time.

If it works out for you then your well in front and can ease off the working pressure on the bitch and let her 12 month old pups begin to step up.

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!!!!!Breeding is gambling!!!!!   You want garantie then better go and buy a toaster!


If the line is that good why are you left with 1 young birch to keep it going? Surely there are older tested dogs in the line you could use, even if they are somebody else's????

In greyhound breeding it is often thought that useing the same sire twice in a row won't produce the same standard of pups, breed data and performance sheets back these thoughts.

But obviously it's not all black and white.

There is no wrong or right and everyone will always have a story to tell to back there train of thought.

As for breeding from the bitch in question, go for it, keep the pups tightly held and be prepared to cull more than the bitch in 12 months time.

If it works out for you then your well in front and can ease off the working pressure on the bitch and let her 12 month old pups begin to step up.

Well said.

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Got to be truthful I've heard a few of the old timers that don't like repeat matings ! I suppose there might be some truth in it otherwise Mohamed ali brother would be as good as him lol .

. Nope marshy it just confirms nothing is garanteed i have not condoned the use of a second season terrier and just for the record I would not even start a terrier till 18 months so my second season would be ???? And my shit is my shit as i dont sell my shit lol ,
fair play I get what you're saying about when the second season is ! Shame is other men don't deal with their own shite the same .
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If you repeat a mating the same potential is there that was in the first mating. The dog or bitches dna has not changed so i cant take it as a FACT that repeat matings dont work. Thats nonsense. Chances are the first mating didnt work so these oldtimers didnt chance the second. Ive seen repeat mating work very well for the work i do. JMHO. I think its as GTE says theres nothing garanteed with any litter first or a repeat.

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If you repeat a mating the same potential is there that was in the first mating. The dog or bitches dna has not changed so i cant take it as a FACT that repeat matings dont work. Thats nonsense. Chances are the first mating didnt work so these oldtimers didnt chance the second. Ive seen repeat mating work very well for the work i do. JMHO. I think its as GTE says theres nothing garanteed with any litter first or a repeat.

I didn't say it was FACT I just said I've heard it before ! I get what you're saying about the DNA being the same so the chances " should " be the same . Surely though once you've bred a litter has thrown grafters then the repeat should through grafters every time ?
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If you repeat a mating the same potential is there that was in the first mating. The dog or bitches dna has not changed so i cant take it as a FACT that repeat matings dont work. Thats nonsense. Chances are the first mating didnt work so these oldtimers didnt chance the second. Ive seen repeat mating work very well for the work i do. JMHO. I think its as GTE says theres nothing garanteed with any litter first or a repeat.

I didn't say it was FACT I just said I've heard it before ! I get what you're saying about the DNA being the same so the chances " should " be the same . Surely though once you've bred a litter has thrown grafters then the repeat should through grafters every time ?
marshy I was talking to a stallion man who works for one of the arabs when you think all yes all race horse dna can be traced back to two stallions. How many derby winners are there breeding is A science in all animals yes but the out come of any mating can produce a standed eventually but not That some thing extra that makes a winner in horses or any other animal genetics can be honed for colour etc , If it was as simple as breeding worker to worker Every one would have as ive said the legendry 100% terrier lol Its part of terriers the satisfaction of producing what you your self are happy with , unless some one want s to spend thousands upon thousand producing terriers like clones ill stick to my shite
The more I learn , the more I realise how little I knew lol . Like you said producing what you're happy with !
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If you repeat a mating the same potential is there that was in the first mating. The dog or bitches dna has not changed so i cant take it as a FACT that repeat matings dont work. Thats nonsense. Chances are the first mating didnt work so these oldtimers didnt chance the second. Ive seen repeat mating work very well for the work i do. JMHO. I think its as GTE says theres nothing garanteed with any litter first or a repeat.

I didn't say it was FACT I just said I've heard it before ! I get what you're saying about the DNA being the same so the chances " should " be the same . Surely though once you've bred a litter has thrown grafters then the repeat should through grafters every time ?


It should work that way in my opinion but you just never no wat way a litter will go in the terrier world thats what keeps things interesting. Its nice when you have a good working dog and bitch preferably off the same blood and you think they should compliment each other and produce well bred workers but sometimes thats not the case and the mating may not gel and could produce a large ammount of waste. I have a good strong choc bitch who has served me well for the past five seasons in pup to a related strong black dog who is very impressive with a hell of alot of game dug. She is due any day now and you couldnt help but think itll be a sucess. Im hoping lol. Time will tell

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You sound more like a goat entering a terrier at 8 months, breeding a bitch when shes in her first proper season, and coming on here asking advice off people you dont even know. I have also heard about repeat matings not being as good as the first but I will disagree, what if the first litter produced more workers but the repeat mating produced workers with the extra gear, what would you class as the best litter? Like I said it's your bitch and you will do what you like and no doubt your going to breed her soon as a bit of blood trickles from her minge. But if I gave you a pup and you started her at 8 months I doubt id give you another, also if you bred her at two year old and you and your mates had plenty of terriers about you id probably not be happy...but that's just me. We don't breed unless we need to.

I get the impression you don't like me mr goat.

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