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Jimi Hendrix Was He The Best Axe Man?

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Clapton was God until Hendrix came along, Santana has been playing the same Riff for 40 years

It's Hendrix all the way and there still isn't anyone to get near the raw talent he had, but like a lot of black fellas he had no tolerance for

narcotics :nono: :nono:

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cant believe nobodys mentioned rory gallagher

Theres loads I like ... entertainment value has to be Angus young , I also love Lindsay Buckingham .. Johnny Marr ... jimmy page .. ... David Gilmore ...

Most of the above guitar players were massively influenced by Hendrix,when Clapton saw Hendrix for the first time he shit himself (by his own admission )and realised he was going to have to raise the

The Edge is the only modern axe man that comes close to Jimi's ability to tell a story by cords and riffs since . Queens of the Stone Age come close ,though.

I'd agree with that Aaron, because The Edge is with U2 and not your classic style rock band he does get very much overlooked BUT few players have made such iconic sounds through a guitar, ever..!


Doubt that... Well, like 'em or not how many U2 riffs can you think of in the past 20 or so years, or how many would instantly, within a few bars, be instantly recognised as a U2 'hit' and then ask yourself how many have their been... Wikipedia their back catalogue, its quite shocking..!


Oh yer, that story bit that Aaron spoke about, well thats what he does, Bono gives him a picture of what his next songs gonna be about and Edge comes up with the riff to suit, how many other bands write like that?

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The Edge is the only modern axe man that comes close to Jimi's ability to tell a story by cords and riffs since . Queens of the Stone Age come close ,though.

Was about to argue the point with you regarding the edge,thought it a ridiculous comparison,then thought a bit more.....very simplistic compared to Jimi in some ways...in other ways more difficult....the edge is a very good guitarist.....but I don't think hes changed the face of music ...confused myself now :laugh: yes hes great,but I cant see many people picking up a guitar and saying " I want to sound like the Edge"....the thinking mans guitar hero perhaps (like Brian May :icon_redface::yes: )exept for the badger fiddling :laugh::thumbs:

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