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Sick Backward Barbarians.

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I can't even bring myself to open link..

And they wonder why multiculturalism dont work !!!.........These are some of the f****n animals we are being forced to integrate with.........how on earth can people of such different morals and value

Forgetting religion, race and everything else.. Right is right and wrong is wrong.. You would have to be some wrong sick b*****d to inflict pain on a child... There are no words for it...

I was going to post that the parents need hanging for letting this happen willingly to their child ! but then that would mean the whole country and culture are just as much to blame for supporting and letting this happen to a child.

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Slightly off topic, but there was a programme on TV a few years ago on the plight of Indian women who are married off and get pregnant whilst still very young. The programme focussed on the incontinence problems they suffered after having to give birth whilst still immature physically, many suffering rupture of the bladder, a distressing condition which meant they were then seen as unclean and were forced to live in isolation from the rest of the community. Shows that child marriage doesn't just happen in the Arab world.

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I was going to post that the parents need hanging for letting this happen willingly to their child ! but then that would mean the whole country and culture are just as much to blame for supporting and letting this happen to a child.

Just buy more rope

WTF, can bet your feckin' camel they're doing it over here as well.[/quote

Camel feckers

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Slightly off topic, but there was a programme on TV a few years ago on the plight of Indian women who are married off and get pregnant whilst still very young. The programme focussed on the incontinence problems they suffered after having to give birth whilst still immature physically, many suffering rupture of the bladder, a distressing condition which meant they were then seen as unclean and were forced to live in isolation from the rest of the community. Shows that child marriage doesn't just happen in the Arab world.

Indeed......I remember watching a documentary about a female British Uologist who tried to help cases like this in Africa......young teenagers whose insides were ripped out by having babies too young and they had to spend their days sitting on buckets in shanty towns because they continuously bled/urinated and had no other option. Their new families did not want to know them......as did their old families who passed them on. So very sad.

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And they wonder why multiculturalism dont work !!!.........These are some of the f****n animals we are being forced to integrate with.........how on earth can people of such different morals and values be expected to live and work side by side every day.....what they find normal we find repulsive can you imagine having a chat in the dinner canteen queue with someone telling you they broke in their new 9 year old wife last night you would want to tear their throat out.......


Most of us when we see a little kid fall over in the street want to put an arm round them and say " you,ll be alright ".........................to watch a kid crying in pain that you caused and carry on is not sick.....its evil beyond all comprehension !..........And thats the evil we are being forced to share our nation with......unbelievable !

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Forgetting religion, race and everything else.. Right is right and wrong is wrong.. You would have to be some wrong sick b*****d to inflict pain on a child... There are no words for it...

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I honestly fail to see how and why a gone converts to islam? How can a modern day threat be people who behave worse than animals? And how the f**k are they allowed to get away with so much?

because we are being governed by people who are only out to line theyre own pockets , who are wealthy, educated in the highest schools but have no grip on real life outside the bubbles that they create for themselves. these so called leaders have less backbone than a mouse. these are the people who are leading gb down the sewers, but these are the very same people who when the shit hits the fan will come crawling to the lower classed with empty promises to fight the enemy , and when the fighting is won they will want to take the credit. truth be told they couldn't run a bath.

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