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From Jack The Lad To Uncool Dad..

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I was taking to my brother the other day about this, I don't feel old exactly and he's younger than me, we've both got teenage daughters, and we are what we hoped we'd never be... Embarrassing dads lol

There's some kind of fun in being an embarrassing dad when our daughters have friends around, why? Lol

I genuinely thought I'd be "with it" when my daughter was this age, but most of the music is shite, I've no idea what instagrams all about, and I don't want to start on the make up lol...

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a pal of mine got his wife's clouts out of the draw and rubbed the crotch with a Mars bar then while his daughter was in the bedroom with her new boyfriend he launched them in saying, " sort your wa

I was taking to my brother the other day about this, I don't feel old exactly and he's younger than me, we've both got teenage daughters, and we are what we hoped we'd never be... Embarrassing dads lo

I love being an embarrassing dad and I thrive on embarrassing my girls in front of their mates ... I have become so good at it that their mates think I am cool lol .........

I heard on the radio that 38 is officially the age when you turn into your parents!!..........but its pretty good to be able to threaten my daughter with "picking her up from secondary school" if she don't get her chores done :laugh:

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I had more grief from my daughter than both my lads put together, every lad she bought home was some waster I felt like throttling.

She finally settled down around 21 with the first one I didn't want to kill and is now at 30 a mother herself to my grand daughter, who I take great pleasure in telling her is going to do the same to her as she did to me and her mom. :yes::laugh:

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38 eh Wilf, well I'm nearly there and the missus keeps saying your just like your Dad.., lol..


I've just told her she's got to get the nail varnish of her nails to go back to school tomorrow, her and the wife ganged up and said its nothing and all her mates are the same.. Back in my corner lol

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If I had a teenage daughter ..... Apart from making medical history, I'd like to think I was pretty much Daddy Cool :yes: Because I've just bought myself a " Sansa clip plus MP3 Player ".


Now, I know it's not the latest model. And it's certainly not an " i " anything. Or an Android what ever. But, surely it's not bad?


Of course, I suppose it would all fall apart when I enthused to her friends how I've got it to play the sounds of a feeding sparrow flock. So I could lure them in. Catch and ring them.


'Epic Dad Fail', would they call it ? :icon_redface:



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I get on great with mine --she loves my type of music northern soul and motown,always been into the dogs and helped me run the antiques -runs me down the pub and picks me up.. its her and the mrs that clash ..the mrs gets on better with the lads than I do ..

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I've a teenage daughter I realised a long while ago that I wasn't going to be daddy cool . So to annoy her I used to drop her to school and start singing that song gay bar by electric six lol. You should've seen her face as I got to the ,I want you take me to a gay bar gay bar . if she'd had a knife she would've stabbed me to stop the embarrassment lol.

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I get on great with mine --she loves my type of music northern soul and motown,always been into the dogs and helped me run the antiques -runs me down the pub and picks me up.. its her and the mrs that clash ..the mrs gets on better with the lads than I do ..

Oh we get on great mate.... I just don't know what she's on about half the time lol...

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