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Globel Cooling

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The climate changes, that's been happening ever since we've had a climate on this planet.. This idea that things should stay as they are indefinitely is a load of old bollocks. There currently seems to be an almost religious theme with which people get grouped into believers or heretics.

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It's a method of extorting money from the population. We were told in school that petrol prices were going to increase forever because it would limit the use of the car and therefore help to stop global warming. Well that went well, there's double or triple the amount of cars on the road now compared to back then..

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It's a method of extorting money from the population. We were told in school that petrol prices were going to increase forever because it would limit the use of the car and therefore help to stop global warming. Well that went well, there's double or triple the amount of cars on the road now compared to back then..

Its gone up,to extort more money out of us, to pay for the fact we havn't got any industry left,we closed it all to save the planet,they had to get taxes from somewhere,only industry we got, is importing every other country's burdens,co's we havnt got enough,thats how the other countries have been reducing there carbon foot print, they have sent there spare population over here,

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For anyone with an interest in the religion of "Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming", the former meteorologist Anthony Watts runs the most popular blog on the subject.....www.wattsupwiththat.com and unlike alarmist blogs like "real climate" which censors out dissenting voices, Anthony allows comment from both sides of the debate. He also gives a lengthy interview along with other prominent realists here......



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For anyone with an interest in the religion of "Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming", the former meteorologist Anthony Watts runs the most popular blog on the subject....


Yeah but what football team does he support :D ...................Blimey i read some of the stuff you lads write sometimes and wish id paid more attention at school :icon_eek:

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The most common element found in the universe is Hydrogen (H)

The second most common element found in the universe is STUPIDITY


"Grow a pair" and stop thinking that its a giant conspiracy....


the only conspiracy lies in the question - why are we still using fossil fuels...

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